Lion Group

Half an hour ago.

Kai and Tasha were standing in front of the dead bodies of who were supposed to be the four of the largest group. The bodies were covered in blood.

The battle was hard-fought, but it was worth it because he got the information he needed for the mission. It seemed that their base was in an empty city called Cameta, around the southwest of Belem's military base, where Risa was previously stationed.

Looking at this, Kai thought that there would be a high chance for Risa to be the terrorist. Sadly, him knowing this wouldn't help him at the moment. He could only put his trust in Michelle and Ayaka. Because of that, Kai and Tasha tried to search the base as fast as possible.

After around half an hour, Kai picked up a loud sound consisting of numerous footsteps around the area. The supposed empty city turned out to be a terrorist base.