
The next day, Kai returned to school. As one would expect, there was a huge banner for him alone while the rest were portrayed in a single banner.

So many fangirls had been waiting for him this whole time, especially in this current world situation where the population was dominated by females.

Of course, Evan shared the same problem since he was the only male beside him. Isabella ended up escorting him to his room to avoid direct confrontation while Tasha teleported Kai. Meanwhile, Sofia, Michelle, and Ayaka had a better situation since not many males dared to approach them, considering they were considered Kai's girlfriends.

And even if they wanted them, there was no way they could beat Kai who had the same achievement as his teacher.

At the same time, it would draw hatred toward them, so it was better to remain neutral. A fan was alright, but an admirer… they would be lucky they were still alive.