Next Semester

After that discussion, there was no more schedule for the rest of the semester other than studying. Even Kai didn't do anything big other than hiding inside the room while thinking about his next plan.

A month passed and the graduation came. Even though Tasha had more achievement, as one would expect, the student council president, Laura, still gave the graduation speech.

Kai and the others attended the graduation, including their parents. As much as he hated to say it, he wanted Tasha to stay because he couldn't help but worry about her well-being.

After promising that she would contact him from time to time, he decided to let her go. Of course, Tasha kept hugging her like there was no tomorrow, showing how Kai didn't want to part with her.

Ayaka and Michelle got annoyed and dragged her before the Carter Family had the time alone for graduation. They took a picture with their parents as well.