"When the whole universe came into existence, different galaxies and planets were also created with different kinds of sentient beings living in each one of them. All of these are governed by the law of 'Dharma' or the 'divine natural law' set by the Almighty Bhagavan to the entire universe.
Since Bhagavan is the God of love, he gave free-will to all sentient beings and the freedom to exercise what they wanted to do with their lives. Bhagavan has no form thus He can't be seen but He is the supreme consciousness that exists in the entire universe.
To help His creations be taken cared of and to help other sentient beings progress physically, spiritually, socially and economically, Almighty Bhagavan appointed 'Deities' who govern certain aspects of activities to different galaxies and planets.
These deities are perfect in every ways, they are full of wisdom, compassion and truth and all other sentient beings look up to these deities for help, admiration and worship.
For planet earth, Almighty Bhagavan appointed three divine deities to watch over humankind and other beings that are in the planet, from plants, trees, rocks, insects, wild beasts and also human beings; and these divine beings are : Vishnu, Brahman and Shiva.
With the help of these deities through the sages as intermediaries, humankind progress throughout the years.
They built civilizations, massive architectures and structures applying the wisdom and divine technologies given to them by the deities.
Great human civilizations began in Mesopotamian regions and expanded all over the world.
Great masters and sages travel to and fro to educate people the wisdom given by the deities and the eternal wisdom of the 'Sanatana Dharma' (Eternal divine natural law) set by Almighty Bhagavan for all creations.
Greatest among civilizations were the 'Aryans', it was them who were the great driving force of wisdom, culture, architecture, science, arts, music, magic and spirituality that really influenced the foundations of all great kingdoms of the world.
There were other known civilizations as well who were the keepers of the ancient wisdom such as the 'Mayans'; and their shamans were the most revered among the people because they persevere the ancient rites and practice of accessing cosmological wisdom of the akashic records (the ether that holds all the knowledge, history and wisdom of the planet) and the ways of communicating with the Nakals.
The Mayans serve as intermediaries of the Nakals (another divine beings who are much more enlightened, more wise that guide sentient beings towards spiritual development, often given guidance by the deities) and they relate to the people whatever instructions the Nakals gave.
Long time ago there was a great flood that happened in the earth and it took away many lives of living beings in the planet.
The people of 'Lemuria' foresaw the catastrophe (being one of the higher intelligent beings in the planet) they were able to prepare themselves for the event.
After the great flood, the Lemurians noticed the land they are living started to sink bit by bit deep down the oceans.
They became very worried and panicked but fortunately at the same time they noticed a new vast island rose above the ocean. They went and settled there for years and they called that island 'Atlantis'..."
Hey Akash!!! What are you doing?
A boy named Saggi called out his friend who is reading some of the historical writings written in the bamboo strips linked by threads which serves as earliest kind of writing material prior to known paper and scrolls.
I am reading some of the historical records that my family have, I need to do a review for our exam tomorrow. I need to past the exam so I'll get the initiation of becoming a Yogi under Guru Mawais. Akash replied.
Oh I see. I'll go to the temple very quick and need to offer prayers there as well for tomorrow's exam for me to pass. I hope anyone from the gods bless me! Saggi said.
For sure you can pass the exam Saggi.. I know because your parents were great sages of our kingdom. Akash replied.
I hope so buddy, it's just sad that my parents left me so soon.. Saggi replied with sad tone of voice.
Should I wait for you in the temple before we go find where Sevshiva went to gather apples for snacks after today's class? Saggi added.
Sure! Just wait for me there and I'll catch you in a bit. Akash replied.
Saggi then went his way to the temple while humming and singing a song joyfully.
Akash's P.O.V
Gosh I need to follow Saggi and look for Sevshiva. Guru will get angry to us if we come late to the class.
Akash then left the bamboo scrolls he was reading and stood up to look for his balabal (a cloth to wrap his body) and wore it while running.
I need to go faster and catch up with Saggi...
Akash went running for his friend on the road towards the temple when suddenly ...
Ehem ehem.. Where are you heading young man?
He suddenly heard a voice behind him that sounded so familiar.
Ooopss, Ye-Yes Guru Mawais? Oh it's you!
Akash uttered while scratching his head although it's not itchy, then took the right hand of his Guru and tap the back of it on his forehead as a sign of respect. They call the gesture "Mano po.."
It's almost time for our class, where are you planning to head to?
Guru Mawais asked Akash while smiling.
I'm heading towards the temple..
Akash replied cheerfully.
Ohh I see, can you go to the library afterwards? I need you to get the scrolls I asked Mawarni to search for me..
The Guru said.
Oh sure our beloved Guru! I will go and get the scrolls.
Akash gladly replied and went his way running towards the temple.
Okay then, take care and see ya later in class.
The Guru said smiling while watching the young boy running away.
Yes! I am to visit the library! I am so excited what else I can find there to read! I wonder what kind of scrolls Guru Mawais ordered from Mawarni? I guess I will take a peek before handing it to him ... He.he.he
Akash talking to himself while running.
I need to tell Saggi then that I need to visit the library by Guru's order..
He added.
When Akash arrives at the temple, he saw Saggi meditating at the temple grounds together with the other devotees, he then didn't bother his friend and just went his way to the library instead.
When Akash arrives at the library....
Uhm hello Mawarni?
Akash said while taking a peek at the windows of the library.
I've been waiting for you! What took you so long!
A voice suddenly heard coming from inside the library. A girl robed in black then came to meet Akash. It was Mawarni speaking to Akash
How did you know that I am coming?
Akash laughingly asked.
Duh, your Guru asked me to find this valuable scroll and told me that it will be you who will come to me to get it.. It's a record about an ancient clan who ruled the bornean seas and the pacific ocean who hunted for the leviathans and other sea monsters and demons.
Mawarni told Akash.
Wow! That sounds cool! I wonder why Guru Mawais asked me to get this! Will he discuss the record written in the scroll later in class?
Akash said in excitement.
Nah, I don't know what is his plan for the scrolls and why did he choose you to get it from me. Just make sure you deliver it to him okay?
Mawarni said and then went inside the library.
While on his way towards their class, Akash thinks about opening the scroll because he got curious about the record that is written in it as mentioned by Mawarni.
He then attempted to open the scrolls when he's just few meters away from the place where their classes take place...
He was puzzled because there's no words written in the scrolls! All that he sees are blank bamboo strips!
What the heck is this?! How come there are no words written in the scroll?
Akash asked himself in amazement as well as in disappointment.
End of the chapter 1. To be continued..
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