Akash being puzzled as to what kind of bamboo scroll he is holding, he went his way running towards his Guru Mawais.
With an expression of bewilderment, he then suddenly approach his guru who is sitting under the big mango tree -- where they often have their classes held as well.
His guru is meditating and just when Akash is few meters away from the guru, the guru then told him:
What you are seeing is not just the bewilderment you will encounter... After the initiation ceremony, I will give you your tasks and you will encounter many things along the way...
The Guru said the words while slowly opening his eyes looking vividly at Akash and reaching his hand to him showing the gesture of receiving the scroll from Akash' hand.
Akash, handing over the scroll to his guru became more dazzled and confused with the words spoken to him then Akash moved a bit backwards and kneeled to show respect to his guru.
Hey Akash!!
Saggi from afar together with Sevshiva shouted cheerfully calling his name.
Hey buddies where have you been?!
Akash replied but can't take away the confusion in his mind as to what his guru meant to say with those words.
What happened to you Buddy? Seems like you are confused or little worried about something?
Sevshiva asked Akash while both him and Saggi are walking towards Akash to sit beside him.
Nah, just nothing Bro, I'm just a bit tired and sleepy maybe because I've been reading our ancestral scrolls since last night and also this morning after I woke up.
Akash replied faking his smile.
And while all of the students are talking with each other... A loud voice then suddenly said:
Words... Indeed they can be uttered vocally without notifying the listeners about what you're thinking or how do you feel... But the wise one listens not only to the words but also to the heart.
Guru Mawais catching all the attention of all the students in the location with those words he uttered as part of opening speech to start the lesson of the day.
The Guru already stood up when everyone noticed it, all of them then sat down on the ground to listen what their guru has to say.
Years after the divine dharma chair was created by the united kingdoms as symbol of their alliance and allegiance to peace and harmony, after they installed it in the golden pyramid in the eastern remote island, when our clan went back to the bornean seas, they met a great unknown sage from the Indus valley and prophesied about a great turmoil and distress that will happen to all of us, not just to our kingdom but to all united kingdoms in the entire Ophir Islands. The mark of this tragedy is the disappearance of the divine dharma chair...
In those tragic days, people will hunt another people to be eaten as food due to severe hunger and crisis in the lands. Water as well will become much more valuable than gold. People will live every single day only for survival and peace seems no where to be found.
This event will continue until all of the islands of Ophir sink beneath the oceans and be remembered no more... Unless the real divine dharma chair will be recovered and love is restored deep within the people's hearts, all of these tragic events will not happen.
Guru Mawais told the prophecy to his students emotionally in distress and worry. Then he raised his right hand holding the scroll he asked Akash to get.
The words of prophecy in this bamboo scroll were written by someone from the great clan who once ruled the bornean seas. It was their clan who received the oral tradition passed by the great nameless sage from the Indus valley...
Guru Mawais exclaimed while unrolling the bamboo scroll for everyone to see.
With your naked eye, you see nothing written in this scroll but only few of us have the way to reveal what's written in it. Look carefully and see how amazing our ancestors were...
Guru Mawais then again raised the bamboo scroll towards the sun, uttered the required spell to reveal the words written in the scroll.
Everyone became marveled as to what they are seeing. The bamboo scroll is shining with the words written in it.
Listen careful to the words written in this bamboo scroll as I read it all for you..
Guru Mawais exclaimed.
And here are the words written in the bamboo scroll written by the scribe from the great Sri Visjaya clan who ruled the bornean seas:
On the 300th year after the fall of the Sri Visjaya empire in the bornean seas, after we have stabilized the new Sri Visjaya Kingdom and the Visjaya communities in the islands of shebah. Our clan led by Mahapandapat went again to the bornean seas to look for the remains of our great Sri Visjaya empire that fell down due to war against the Mahapajit empire. We managed to collect ancestral remains, sundries and other artifacts which are valuable memoirs of our great past.
On the 80th day of our voyage in the bornean seas, we encountered fleets of pirates. We never expected them being so weak and we have managed to win the clash with less damage in our party but on the 90th day after the clash, we encountered in the bornean seas a great leviathan and the monster almost destroyed all of our fleet. Me as the scribe did my best to survive for I hold the records of our journey.
On the 92nd day we set ashore fleeing from the great leviathan and went to a remote island somewhere within the bornean seas. We were struggling for survival and the food is scarce but the heavens bless us to see a cave in the island and there live a great sage of wisdom and power.
He wears white cloth, with a long hair as white as snow. Rudraksha beads can be seen as well over his neck and as his bracelet. We asked for his name but he did not tell us aside from being originally from the Indus Valley. He was indeed a yogi, a sage who left the matters of the world to have his journey towards 'moksha' (liberation).
He fed all of us though being poor, he knew well the island and have managed to take good care of us for a month. He told us how to defeat the leviathan by telling us to create a trumpet out of a ram's horn. The leviathan's weakness is the sound of the ram's horn when blown as trumpet.
Just after he told us the instructions as to how to make the trumpet out of ram's horn, he told us about a prophecy that will happen to our kingdom.
He uttered those words and I wrote them exactly as to how he uttered the prophecy..
"In the kingdoms of the east, the world growls in pain and agony. In those tragic days, people will hunt another people to be eaten as food due to severe hunger and crisis in the lands. Water as well will become much more valuable than gold. People will live every single day only for survival and peace seems no where to be found.
This event will continue until all of the islands of Ophir sink beneath the oceans and be remembered no more... Unless the real divine dharma chair will be recovered and love is restored deep within the people's hearts, all of these tragic events will not happen."
We were so shock because what we know the divine dharma chair was placed in a remote island and guarded heavily by noble guards. It seems like the prophecy foretold that it will disappear or stolen one day.
Our leader Mahapandapat asked the great sage how did he knew about the divine dharma chair and asked him if he went to the islands of ophir in the east before.
He just gave the reply:
"I've been guiding you all of these years oh noble men. The time has come that most of the people of the world have forgotten the dharma...wake up oh wise ones"
Then a great whoosh of wind blew that made us all covered our eyes and held to each other so we would not be taken away by the strong wind. After that moment we can't see the great sage anymore but a voice somewhere said loudly:
"On the 12th day in the zodiac of lion, a boy will be born. He will be named among the skies and the stars. His wisdom is like the ether that holds the records of the world... When the divine dharma chair disappears, wait for the boy's advent."
After that day we set sail to hunt the leviathan and we killed it easily when we blew the trumpet we created exactly under the instructions of the great sage.
After that day we ruled and reclaimed most parts of the bornean seas and managed to establish our strongholds there up until now.
When we returned home to the new Visjaya Kingdom in the 310th year after the fall of the previous Sri Visjaya empire in the bornean seas, all of the kingdoms are still at peace with each other and the divine dharma chair still in its place where it resides.
Peace is still present in the islands of Ophir.
I wrote all of these in this bamboo scroll to serve as warning to our future generations.
When the time comes when the divine dharma chair disappears, wait for the prophecied boy and educate him with all knowledge and wisdom.
End of the chapter 2. To be continued..
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