When the fleet of Rajah Mahapandapat returned to the new Sri Visjaya kingdom in the islands of ophir, everything was in peace. The people of the kingdom celebrated their arrival and the mark of happiness and joy can be seen in the faces of the people when they saw the relics and artifacts Mahapadapat and his men brought back to them.
They recovered some of the remains of the fallen Sri Visjaya empire and have rekindled the fire in the people's hearts that in order for them to achieve greater, they need to work together with each other and be at peace with other kingdoms.
Peace is the most important thing for them to retain their kingdoms throughout generations and for this reason people have learned to neglect anger, lived at peace with each other and have respected each others'rights.
After the news became known throughout the islands, throughout all the united kingdoms, as to how the nameless sage helped Mahapandapat and his men in the bornean seas, all of the kingdoms then agreed to look for great teachers in the west from Indus Valley and looked for Sages, Gurus, Yogis, Rishis and spiritual masters and invited them to dwell in their kingdoms to teach the people the wisdom of the eternal dharma and the righteous way of living.
They did such for them to assure the peace and harmony in all of the kingdoms and help maintain the diplomacy they are keeping for years.
They as well searched for the mysterious nameless sage in the Indus Valley but he's nowhere to be found. The information they got is that the sage seems like a remnant of the great Aryan clan.
50 years later after Mahapandapat returned to Sri Visjaya kingdom in the islands of Ophir, an unusual event took place in Lu-Song kingdom.
It was a dark and gloomy evening and it was raining heavily.
Thunder and lightning struck too often and all the people of the kingdom didn't bother to go outside.
Even the markets were closed early but there are still many people in the temples praying and meditating.
A group of masked men were seen riding on horses passing through the kingdom gates going out from the kingdom.
They were in a rush and the noises of the horses running echoed in the silent and gloomy rainy night.
People were awakened from their sleep and wondering what's the commotion all about then suddenly the palace guards came and among them someone shouted:
Those assassins attempted to kill our king! They have killed some of our guards and have stolen many of our treasures! Go and look for them! I want them dead or alive!
Following that event, people then reported missing not just in Lu-Song but also in all of the united kingdoms.
The people mysteriously disappear without a trace with no one who can tell who did it or where the people were taken to.
The mystery remains unsolved for years although all of the kingdoms did their efforts for it.
10 years later after that tragedy in the kingdom of Lu-Song, the same countless masked men came to the kingdom of Sri Visjaya and launched their unexpected attack.
Many lives were spent along with the destruction of many buildings and temples and it was one of another distressful tragedy that happened to the kingdom since it's reestablishment in the islands of Ophir.
Without the help of the kingdom of Butuan there would be no kingdom of Sri Visjaya that remains today.
The kingdom of Butuan sent their elite forces to the Sri Visjaya kingdom after they received the reports from their wandering spies who finally gathered information about the masked men who abducted the people of Lu-Song and in all other kingdoms.
They arrived a bit late but at least they helped defending the kingdom.
All of the elite clan warriors of the Sri Visjaya kingdom were almost killed by the invaders. One of which are the warriors of Mahaaluka clan.
Mahaaluka clan consists of many different divisions of specialties but the most respected by all is the division of the secret arts headed by the couple Amaya and Agkati.
The invaders penetrated deeply to the sacred chamber where the books of wisdom and magic were kept heavily by the division.
Many of the warrior keepers were almost killed and even Agkati almost lost his life.
On that same night of invasion, Amaya gave birth to a boy and she was in the temple when she gave birth to her son.
After Agkati and few of his men subdued the enemies, he went to the temple and checked for his wife and there he found his wife embracing their baby boy.
It were the Babaylans who assisted Amaya in giving birth and just when Agkati took hold of his son on his arms, one of the Babaylans suddenly said:
"I remember today is the 12th day in the zodiac of lion! Is this the boy mentioned by the prophecy?"
One of the Babaylan argued:
"According to the prophecy the boy will be born after the divine dharma chair disappears. Does it mean that the divine dharma chair already lost?! Simbako! (God forbid!).."
Agkati while listening to the Babaylan suddenly interrupted them and asked for a recommendation as to what name they should give to the boy.
They then decided to give him the name "Akash".
"Just like the heavens above, it witnesses all the endeavors of humankind. It remains wise and holds the records of all the sentient beings under it, I hope my son will remember all that happened to our kingdom and relate it to our future generations".
Agkati said.
The next day, the king of the Sri Visjaya kingdom - Rajah Bradhna called for a sudden assembly and announced:
"Our kingdom after many years is now in distress and turmoil. Earlier this morning, we got the message from the council that serves in protecting the golden pyramid where the divine dharma chair resides.
They sent us a message by their messenger, and they are sending the same message to all kingdoms across all the islands of Ophir.
They told us that the divine dharma chair disappeared without trace.
They notice the disappearance of the divine dharma chair last week and they are now doing their efforts to look for it but the problem they currently have is to where they will start looking for it because they don't have any lead yet as to where the divine dharma chair was taken to.
I know all of you are familiar with the prophecy that was given to us when Mahapandapat went to the bornean seas. The prophecy indeed happened to us and we are its eye-witnesses.
Thereby, I declare to all of you from now on, no one should talk about the prophesied boy nor any of you tell to anyone outside of our kingdom where the boy lives or the clan where he belongs until he reached the right age and have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills when he grow up.
The story about the prophesied boy must be kept a secret only within our kingdom!
This is to protect the boy, his family and his future!
Anyone who disobeys deserve death especially if he discloses information to outsiders about the prophesied boy!"
After that day no one dared to talk about the prophesied boy. People aren't allowed to travel outside the kingdom without permission of the government as well. That is to protect the people from harm or from being abducted by the enemies. They are still trying to figure out who or what their enemies are and they don't even know yet where their enemies from.
The spies of the Kingdom of Butuan have gathered few information about the enemies as to who their enemies are but the information they got is still incomplete.
In accordance with the information they have gathered, those masked men travel by ships from the west and just when they arrive near the islands of Shebah, they change their route going south and move around the islands of tarshish in the south, then travel north west going towards the Island where the golden pyramid and the divine dharma chair reside.
They speculate that their enemies are foreigners and maybe they are people from the Mahapajit empire. They aren't sure yet but what they take as a priority for now is the peace and diplomacy of the united kingdoms. They did not bother to doubt the diplomacy they have with the other kingdoms because they know they've been in peace with each other already for so many years. They just accepted the fact that the days of tragedy and turmoil for them have already come and they just need to deal with it carefully.
End of the chapter 3. To be continued..
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