Initiation with fire

After Guru Mawais related the prophecy to the students, he closed the bamboo scroll and kept it inside his robe and he said:

Today my dear little ones, you should remember that this is the last day of you being children. Tomorrow after the initiation you will be considered an adult already, an official yogi of our kingdom. You will have the rights to learn our ancient crafts and knowledge. We are done for today, you may now go home.

The students then stood up and all together; kneeled their left knees and bowed their heads and uttered in unison saying these words:

Goodbye and thank you our beloved Guru! May you live in peace forever teaching young generations with knowledge and wisdom!

Guru Mawais then replied:

Go in peace now. Tomorrow is your great day young ones!

The students then went their way home except for the three boys - Akash, Saggi and Sevshiva.

They approached their guru and Akash then asked a question:

Guru Mawais, I was born on 12th day in the zodiac of lion. Am I the boy of the prophesy?

The boys are eager to hear what will their guru has to say as an answer but their guru just gave a reply saying: 

You enjoy the rest of the day being children. Tomorrow you will become adults and the burdens of the kingdom will be placed on your shoulders. Just be contented with what you know as for now, follow my instructions, enjoy the rest of the day and be merry. Just don't come late for tomorrow's ceremony.

The boys quite disappointed with what their Guru said to them but at least he dismissed them early and have given the day for them to enjoy.

So, what are you going do for the rest of the day Akash? 

Saggi asked.

I guess I will do some meditation in the temple for few minutes and then return home to ask Mom and Dad about the Prophecy Guru Mawais told us. 

Akash replied while looking down on the ground watching his footsteps.

What are you thinking Bro? Seems like you're not in yourself right now? Feel free to tell us, we're brothers right?! 

Sevshiva said while tapping Akash on his shoulder.

I'm just thinking if I'm the person referred by the prophesy. Seems like I got a big burden over my shoulders and feels like I'm unprepared for whatever will come upon us. I don't want to fail all of you! Our Guru, My parents or even you my dear brothers! 

Akash said while suddenly moved a distance closing his fists and talking seriously to his friends.

Well Brother don't worry! We're here for you to assist you. No one should be left behind whatever happened right? Besides, I do believe Bhagavan will not leave us alone! Right Sevshiva?

Saggi positively said to comfort his troubled friend Akash while smiling to Sevshiva as well.

You said it right brother! As long as we're together we will not allow anything to bring us down! So you better chill there brother Akash!

Sevshiva said in response to what Saggi just said.

The boys are walking toward the temple and suddenly they saw an unfamiliar man standing just few meters outside the temple doors wearing white robe, with a long hair as white as snow. 

Hey that man doesn't look familiar to us. Who is he? Sevshiva said.

Seems like his looks are familiar to me... wait.. let's go and talk to him! Saggi said and suddenly grabbing the hands of his two friends.

Akash on the other hand suddenly looked ahead as well when his friends noticed the man; and there indeed he saw the man standing wearing a white robe with a messy long hair as white as snow, standing just few meters from the temple doors. Just when they are near to the mysterious man, the man looked at them straight and went running and jumping over the high temple roof and went away!

Whoah!! What an amazing man he is! Is he human or is he a Deva (one of the gods)?! Saggi said in exclamation and amazement.

Akash noticed the rudraksha beads wrapped around the mysterious man's neck when he (the mysterious man) looked at them straight eye to eye before fleeing. Akash is kinda mystified and amazed of what he just saw! He saw a man jumped over high temple roof for the first time!

Darn! I think I know who the man is! Remember the prophesy?! Isn't he was the man mentioned by Guru Mawais who helped Bhai Mahapandapat in the bornean seas and taught them how to kill the leviathan? The description fits him! He wears white robe with hair as white as snow and rudraksha beads around his neck! Akash said shaking in confusion and bewilderment. 

The boys were dazzled and amazed and suddenly they followed the direction where the mysterious man went. They are running until they saw him again from afar going inside the forest.

Wait! Wait for us Mister! Why are you running away from us?!

Akash shouted while running and catching his breath.

Darn seems like he doesn't gets tired! We've been following him already and seems like we're draining our energies yet he's not draining his! What kind of man he is?! Sevshiva said while running behind his friends.

The boys are already exhausted in running and it feels like the mysterious man intently lured them in the forest.

Guys I guess we should go back! It's getting dark already; what if we will be lost in this vast forest and our parents can't find us? We still have an initiation ceremony to attend tomorrow! Sevshiva said while fear starting to manifest in his words.

No Buddy we're almost there! We almost catch him! I'm really curious about him and I am eager to know more about his identity! Akash said while breathing heavily.

Well,  I guess we should go back now and tell Guru Mawais tomorrow what we saw just now. The boys then agreed and they went back to the kingdom and went on their way home.

On the day of the ceremony,  everyone are gathering there including the parents of the students under the supervision of Guru Mawais. Rajah Bradhna, The king is also present together with the kingdom council and other divisions of the Mahaaluka clan and of other Sri Visjayan clans.

People are excited to witness the first batch of students who will be initiated into becoming full pledged yogi that will serve, protect and educate not just the people of their kingdom but also all the people of different kingdoms in the islands of Ophir under the formalized education program launched by the kingdom of Sri Visjaya this year.

Students were gathered and aligned properly in front of a platform prepared for the speakers and noble guests such as King Bradhna and the kingdom's body council. Akash, Saggi and Sevshiva are also there standing alined with each other horizontally together with other students.

When the students saw Guru Mawais walking on the platform,  all of the students kneeled their left knees and put their right hands on their chests.

On the elevated platform that they prepared for the ceremony, Guru Mawais stood up and delivers his speech saying:

Today is the day that marks the day of your adulthood. After the ceremony of initiation you will no longer be children and the burdens of the kingdoms will also be laid on your shoulders as well.

All of you the beloved children of the kingdom of Sri Visjaya shall bring honor to the people that live in the islands of Ophir; not just among the islands of Ophir but also to all people of the world.

Your main duty is to save people from evil not just from the evil actions but from the evil of thoughts where everything begins.

You are to inculcate the people and the future generations with the righteous teachings of the dharma and install in their hearts that love conquers all and someone who loves desires no evil for someone to come!

After Guru Mawais gave his speech King Bradhna then offered his speech saying:

Oh wise ones of our kingdom! You've been educated with divine knowledge of the dharma but there are still many things to learn in this world because as we understand one thing, another thing unfolds that needs to be studied and be understood.

You may be educated and be endorsed to the office of serving our kingdom but you still have many things to learn and to understand in this vast world and one of those is the cause of the turmoil and distress that the whole of the islands of Ophir would have if we can't recover the lost divine dharma chair.

We rely on you as our light during the upcoming darkest days of all the kingdoms. We hope and we pray to the deities above that they will let Bhagavan the Almighty know that we have produced students like you who are educated with the divine knowledge passed on to us by the Almighty Gurus and Sages and we pray that the Almighty extends your days and keep you safe as always.

The King then ended his speech and went to his seat and Guru Mawais again took the center of the stage and started the initiation ceremony.

Guru Mawais raised his right hand and called the students to rise up from being kneeled. He then gave the instruction to drink together the divine nectar of wisdom given to them by the servants of the palace prepared for the ceremony.

The students drank the nectar and then  saw a vision of a fire showing them an event about what would happen to the world when immorality and injustice prevail. After the vision the students then woke up with new insights of enlightenment in one aspect of their lives and learned deep within their soul that in this world nothing is permanent and when immorality and injustice are present,  people live in suffering.


End of the chapter 4. To be continued..

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