After the students drank the divine nectar and saw a vision with fire as to the tragedy that could happen to the world when immorality and injustice prevail, the students were then awakened with an enlightenment within themselves.
Guru Mawais then said:
What you saw is the vision that would happen to the world if immorality and injustice prevail. That's the greatest fear we currently have and we are not to allow that to happen.
You as 'Yogis', you are to bring the light to the world when darkness grows within the people's minds. You are to dispel ignorance and purge evil away from people's hearts.
While Guru Mawais is uttering those words, the skies suddenly grew dark and wind blew strongly as if a tornado will be born right in the place where the ceremony is held.
Flock of birds were seen flying above them as well, as if a heavy rainstorm is on its way and everyone was then asked by the king to stay calm and stay at their own places when suddenly a lightning struck and hit the ground meters away from where the people are.
The lightning strike caused a commotion among the crowd and when all of them have fixed their eyes to the spot where the lightning hit, there they saw man with a bluish-white robe holding a staff on his right hand. The skies then turned came back to normal after that.
The man with a staff laughing heavily and said:
Ha ha ha.. Am I late for this event?
Guru Mawais then said in reply to the man:
Oh venerable Kidlat! It's been a long time since we saw each other! You're kinda late but it's okay, the students are still here. You think there's a banquet here right?! That's why you came here! Haha. Guru Mawais jokingly said to Kidlat when suddenly a fire ball fell down to the ground just few meters away from the spot where Kidlat fell down and showed his presence.
Scorching sound of fire can be heard and smoke surrounds the place. When the smoke became thin, there they saw a man that wears a red robe with a long hair and red bandana-like turban over his head. The man is holding a long staff as well and looks like a a great mage among the sages.
Haha, Guru Mawais you forgot to invite me for this gathering but it's just fine, I am understanding and patient man. The man in white robe said while slowly standing up after he fell down from the sky in a fireball.
Oh venerable Siklab! I am glad that you are here. I was told by your disciples that you went on a retreat to cultivate your inner skills and to work on mokha (liberation). Guru Mawais said in delight.
Nah I just took a day off, Haha. Venerable Siklab jokingly said.
After Guru Mawais greeted venerable Siklab, a strong swoosh of wind again blew then there they saw a man above the sky slowly descending. He is wearing a white robe, with a long hair and a long staff in his hand.
Haha here we go our old guy here, still didn't change. Always want to come last among us. Hahaha! venerable Kidlat said while laughing.
Oh Kidlat we haven't finish our duel last time, I guess this is time is the perfect timing to have another duel so people can witness who among us is much more powerful and handsome of course! Haha. The man jokingly said while landing successfully with his right foot and slowly walk towards the other robed elders.
Haha let's save it for some other time Bagwis! Today is supposed to be a happy ceremony because we got our first batch of Yogis who will be trained under our care. Venerable Kidlat said while tapping the shoulder of Bagwis, the wind sage.
Haha I was just kidding though. Seems like we scared the people around here! Hahaha. Bagwis said laughing and smiling while looking at Guru Mawais.
Greetings to our beloved Sages! We are glad that you came to visit us in this memorable ceremonial initiation we are having with our students here despite of being busy keeping the kingdom barriers on and doing your best to find where the divine dharma chair at. Rajah Bradhna said to the elders while slowly walking towards them up from the stage in order to greet them.
By the way everyone, I am honored to introduce to you the 3 of the 10 great elder sages of our united Kingdoms! Each kingdoms in the islands of ophir has 3 great sages and you are seeing the 3 of them that belongs to our kingdom; venerable sages Siklab, Kidlat and Bagwis! Rajah Bradhna the king then added.
Well, nice meeting you all and I hope you weren't scared by us that much with our arrival! Honestly we are here for this occasion when we received the invitation sent to us by Guru Mawais and also for other important reason that everyone should know. Anyways, have you guys finished the initiation ceremony so we can tell you the important reason why we were forced to come here? Venerable Siklab said in serious tone unlike earlier.
Yes, we already finished the ceremony. Everyone have seen the vision you created out of the divine nectar when they took it. Guru Mawais said in reply to venerable Siklab.
That's good! But in relation to that, I want to inform all of you that the vision I created is not what I created on my own. Those were the events we the elder sages saw when we together had our deep meditation cultivating ourselves and looked for the lost divine dharma chair. We the 3 elders saw that same vision you had when you took the divine nectar of initiation. Venerable Siklab said in more serious and unhappy tone.
The important reason we mean as to why we came here is in regards with the strange happening within our kingdom and with our kingdom barrier. This week, we notice an unusual happening inside our kingdom and we can't detect what it is. We felt that there's a strange power inside our kingdom, a very strong cultivated power as if of the 'Devas' (Gods) but we can't track it because sometimes it let us feel it but most of the time not. We're worried as to what is happening so we check on our barrier itself and we notice there's nothing unusual there such as any breaks or holes. You already know our barrier allows only ordinary people pass through it and it will not let any man with high cultivated energy pass without us being notified and without our permission.
Since we put that barrier after we were invaded by the masked men years ago, we never noticed any unusual events happening inside the kingdom aside from these days. Do you think we got enemies among us in our kingdom? Venerable Siklab asked everyone in worried tone of voice.
That doesn't sound good because as what you have mentioned, the cultivated power you guys felt was that of a 'Deva'?! He is powerful for sure! I hope he isn't one of the gods from the underworld or else it's gonna be a disaster to all of us! Rajah Bradhna said in reply to what was reported by Venerable Siklab to everyone.
After hearing about what venerable Siklab said, Akash then suddenly ran towards the elders and bowed his left knees in respect to them saying:
Oh our beloved Elder Sages! I offer my greetings to all of you.
Everyone was then looking at Akash including Guru Mawais who is still on stage.
Okay young yogi, rise up and tell me what's on your mind... Venerable Siklab said to the boy.
Thank you our beloved sages! Honestly I just want to tell you about what we saw yesterday after we were dismissed by Guru Mawais; after we finished our class. Me and my friends were supposedly heading towards the temple to do some meditation and prayer when suddenly we noticed an strange man clothed in white robe with hair as white as snow and he is wearing a rudraksha necklace around his neck. I initially thought that was venerable Bagwis when I saw him descend from the skies just now, but that guy we saw yesterday doesn't look like venerable Bagwis.
We saw that mysterious man few meters outside the temple doors standing and when we saw him, we approached him and tried to come near him but he suddenly jumped over the high temple roof and fled! Me and my friends 'Saggi' and 'Sevshiva' did our best to follow the mysterious man's track going outside the kingdom gates to chase him but when he noticed us tailing behind him, he went inside the forest just outside our kingdom gates. We also still chased him inside the forest until we lost track of him and can't find him any more. Do you think the mysterious man has something to do with the unusual happening inside our kingdom? He really looks strange and mysterious to me! Akash said to the elder sages.
Saggi and Sevshiva then run towards Akash and offered their kneeling to the elder sages and they were then asked to rise up and speak.
Yes venerable Siklab! What Akash said is true! The three of us did our best to chase that mysterious man. It's just that he ran faster than us and seems like he never felt tired of running! While three of us breathing heavily already yet he still remained having no sign of being tired and still even managed to give us a look and fled. That man has a high cultivated power for sure because he beat all of us young ones in terms running! Sevshiva said.
And one more thing, Akash mentioned when he saw the man, the description of him fits with the man that helped Bhai Mahapandapat and the Mahaaluka Clan when they had their journey to bornean seas years ago. We knew about the story yesterday after being told by Guru Mawais about it when he read to us out loud the bamboo scroll recorded by our ancestral scribe. Saggi said in addition to what Sevshiva said.
Yes our venerable sages! What Saggi mentioned is true. He really fits the description of the nameless great sage that helped Bhai Mahapandapat in the bornean seas as to how to kill the leviathan. He was the one as well who predicted the catastrophe that will happen to the kingdoms if we will not look and find the lost divine dharma chair in accordance to what is written in the bamboo scroll written by our ancestral tribe. Akash said.
After Akash related the story to the venerable sages and to everyone, a voice suddenly said:
Are you talking about me?
Then they fixed their eyes to the direction where the voice came from and they saw a man descending from the skies in a bright light. He is wearing a white robe with a long messy hair and big rudraksha necklace can be seen around his neck.
End of the chapter 5. To be continued..
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