Dragon Blood Smoothie*

After finishing our discussion, we had gotten a better handle on our plans for the class obtaining test. I'd also realized that they all had some sort of idea about the class that they wanted. While I, on the other hand, didn't have any idea what class I wanted!

It was safe to say that there were a lot of options. you could choose your class, and depending on it, it would be possible to evolve it into a more skilled class as you progress. Like my Mother's class Valkyrie.

The class Valkyrie wasn't something that you got right off the bat.

She'd first gotten the class shieldmaiden. From there she was able to level up her class and evolve it into Valkyrie. From there you'll get a new and improved version of the first class, but with more skills that are now specialized for the new class evolution that you got.

Grabbing one of the chocolate blood candies on the table, I pop it into my mouth. Munching on those, I try to think of the class that I might want. But nothing, in particular, comes to mind.

There wasn't anything that I desperately wanted to obtain.


This was giving me a headache. I needed to think about something else. Looking at books and thinking too hard all the time wasn't good for one's health. Grabbing the rest of the chocolates, I slide out of my chair and walk out of the library.

I'd sent Herma away, and now it was just me, no one else following me. It was rare that I was allowed to walk around by myself. Most of the time someone accompanied me, or someone was following me.

"Ha… it was tough being the Young Miss of a big family," I mutter, nodding my head as I eat more chocolates.

Looking down at my plate of chocolates, I realize that they are almost all gone. I suppose I'll head to the kitchen and see if they're making anything for lunch. It was practically lunchtime, humming to myself I snake my way through my house.

I was really lucky. We have an amazing kitchen staff. They make really delicious treats for me to eat all the time. I was seriously spoiled with all the goodies. My mouth was watering as I thought about all the good things that I'd gotten to eaten, since being born into this world.

Skipping forward, I pass through the ballroom, this was where I'd sent that punk kid flying through the air. The wall had already been patched up and all the evidence from the event had been cleaned.

The crime couldn't be seen anymore, I smile to myself. He'd really deserved that punch. I didn't feel the least bit bad about it.

Continuing past the ballroom, I shuffle my way towards the kitchen. The kitchen door was grand and made of a white wood that glistens and sparkles.

We have a fair few kitchens in our mansion, there was this one that was directed by the ballroom, and then another that was by the dining room. Outside of that, there were small ones that were dotted throughout the house.

The other biggest one was located in the main garden, the night garden.

I pause in front of the door and find that the kitchen is eerily silent, that was super odd!

"Chef Min-Min!" I shout out, as I walk into the kitchen. It was indeed lunchtime, but the kitchen was empty. I didn't see a soul in sight.

Everything in the kitchen was crystal clean, nothing was being made and there wasn't anyone in the kitchen. What the heck was this?!

Placing the empty plate of chocolates down onto the ledge of one of the counters in the kitchen. I walk around looking for someone.

"Wasn't this odd?" I sigh.

Well… I might as well check out the refrigerator!

Yes, this world even has refrigerators. It was not a barren wasteland devoid of modern conveniences. Modern technology was still somewhat triumphant!

However, this refrigerator was also known as a 'magic tool,' because it required a magic stone to function. There were a lot of magic tools, such as light bulbs that used a light magic stone and even airship that used wind stones.

Humming, I peel open the door to the refrigerator, looking around I see an assortment of goods. Ranging from meat, all the way to some magical looking vegetables. I keep scanning the fridge looking for something… there it was!

"Score!" I say as I grab a cute cup that has a dragon printed onto it. It was a smoothie that was made with the blood of a dragon, it was a common occurrence that people would sell blood to vampires.

There's a whole part of our city, that known as the blood market. It is a place where people can make a quick bit of gold, by selling some of their blood to the chefs and restaurants. Plus, because we are a town located on the edge of the Vampire territory, and on the frontier, a lot of people flittered through our city.

Resulting in a wide range of blood choices, for us Vampires to enjoy!

I felt my mouth water at the thought of all the tasty different blood types…

Of course, Vampires are also able to eat other foods, but we still need a healthy intake of blood into our bodies. Plus, blood was delicious, and depending on the race the better it tasted or the different flavors it has!

Dragon blood always has this sort of naturally spicy flavor to it. Making it almost irresistible!

It was truly a delicacy to have.

Popping the straw into my mouth, I suck on the straw and the flavor quickly hits my tongue.

"Mhm~" I moan softly at the taste.

As I continue to enjoy the smoothie, I glance around the rest of the kitchen. But nothing was out of place, it was spotless, like no one has started lunch, yet.

Where in the world had everyone gone?!

Not finding anything that gave me the slightest clue as to where everyone had gone, I decided that I would keep wandering around in the search of lunch! This smoothie was a good snack to hold me over for at least a little while.

But I was a growing girl I needed more than just a simple smoothie to satisfy my stomach!

Exiting the kitchen, I decided that I'd wander around outside, I'd been staying indoor to much these days. Plus, the weather was quite nice out today. It was slightly overcast and not too hot outside.

Heading through the ballroom, I head to a door that leads out to the balcony and pushes it open. A gust of wind blows in through the now open door and lifts my hair up.

It brings with it the smell of flowers and earth. The scent tickles my nose, as I head down the stairs that lead into the night garden.

It was called the night garden because of the whole design of the garden centered around night. Plus, we had a lot of exotic plants, that my father would bring back to my Mother when he went out and visited places.

There were also a few cases of flowers that only bloom at night, that are held in the garden.

My Father says that everything that he brought back, reminds him of my Mother. Sometimes he brought back questionable plants that really made me wonder if he wasn't a bit of an idiot.

Wandering through the maze-like garden. I sample different smells and sight, as I observe the different plants. All the while enjoying my dragon blood smoothie.

It felt like I was wandering through the jungle at points, but I quickly made my way to the center of the garden that had the marble courtyard and another huge kitchen.

There was a possibility that my Mother and Father decided to have lunch outside in the garden today.

Sipping my drink, I make quick work of getting to the courtyard. The closer that I got to the center of the garden. The more I found that I could hear other people's voices, apart from my mother and father. But it looks like I was right! They had decided to have lunch outside today.

Picking up my pace, I quickly round the tall hedges that are all taller than me and arrive at the entrance to the marble courtyard.

Quickly entering the courtyard, I find that it's not just my Mother and Father, but also my brother. Then besides them were also four other people that are seated at the table that has a large lunch spread on it.

My mouth waters even more at the sight of all the food.

Even with all the food in front of them, none of them are eating! Instead, there are three men that are bickering between themselves. While there is a pretty woman that doing her best to calm one of them down.

My mother has a smile on her face as she watches the three.

Moving forward, I find that even Salem has joined in on the bickering, I raise an eyebrow.

That was a first!

Without fail, I reach the table and walk up to my mother. I reach out a hand and grab her hand that resting on her chair.

"Darling, you've arrived, we didn't want to bother you when you had your friends over," my mother tells me softly as she reaches a handout and rubs my head.

Looking over at the three men and the woman, I find that they all look like different variants of my mother and father mixed together. Minus the woman that looks nothing like any of my family.

My mother notices my look and gives me a brilliant smile.

"Hollis, these are your three Brothers!" She says gesturing to the three men, that are all looking at me.