Triple the Brother's

The three of them look at me with expectant eyes. One set of ethereal emerald eyes and two sets of brilliant golden yellow eyes.

"Boys, would you like to introduce yourself to your sister?" My mother asks, but more like she's implying that they need to introduce themselves to me. It was a command, to say the least.

"Of course, Mother," one of my brothers assented to my mother and push himself out of the chair. He's basically the spitting image of my father, minus my father's bulk build. Instead, he was a bit thinner and leaner than my father. He has light brown hair that's long and braided in parts and pulled into a ponytail.

He was dressed a lot like a samurai, his kimono was jet black with a sea serpent print on it, in a beautiful blue, and white gold. A white hilted katana rested on his hop, and he walks over towards me.

I couldn't even hear the steps he was so quiet.

"Little sister, you're just as beautiful as Mother. Thankfully it seems that you didn't get too much of father's looks," he says giving me a wink and a devious smile

My father who's right beside my mother was practically fuming.

"My little girl got her good looks from BOTH of her parents," he says with an emphasis on both.

Not even paying heed to my father's words, my brother continues on.

"I'm your oldest Brother, Clemente, if you need anything baby sister you can ask me any time. I've decided that I'll stick around a little bit. I'm on leave from my party, so I'll take you around show you a good time," he says giving me another wink.

He reaches out and rubs my head, tousling my hair a bit. But I don't mind it in the least.

"Promise?" I ask him with a grin.

He smiles even wider and straightens his back.

"Promise," he says thumping a fist into his chest.

"Get out of the way, Clemente, I'm going to introduce myself to our cute littlest sister!" Another of my brother says, hastily pushing himself out of his chair.

This brother was quite thin and sickly looking. He was also ghastly pale; he was almost white as a sheet. He had inky black hair and amber eyes that were similar to my father's. Except underneath of these eyes he had great big dark black circles. He was dressed simply in a pair of black leather pants, and a simple white pressed shirt and a black jacket.

I could feel an aura of death radiating from my brother, which caused an inadvertent shiver to crawl up my back. He made all the hair on my arms stand up.

"Calm down you little rascal, you're releasing too much of your magic," the only remaining man says as he stood up and put a hand on the ghostly pale boy. The shivering and fear-inducing sensation I felt completely vanished the moment he put his hand on him.

"I didn't mean to, I just got excited, no need to use your magic on me, Ambrose," the pale one says with a shrug to the other man.

He was a proper looking man, with a pair of round speckles on his face. He was dressed in a fluffy looking coat that had fur lining the whole of it. The fur looked as soft as clouds, he wore a simple silk shirt that was an aqua color, and then a simple pair of black leather pants.

His eyes are also an emerald green like my mother and myself, on his forehead, I also notice that he has a diamond design, that similar to my mother's lotus flower. He's got short and neat dusty brown hair and was lilth and thin like my mother.

Sitting next to him was the woman, looking at her closely, I realize that she's got two beautiful white horn coming out the top of her head that curl delicately behind her ears. Her ears are pointed and covered in scales, and around her eyes are scales that are a light golden color, they stretch down her neck and dot around her breast, that is on full display in her white dress, that was basically a simply knotted together.

Her hair is white as snow, and then ends are a light golden color, it reaches all the way down her back and frames her face in a halo. Her eyes are big and look like melted golden, her hands are in the shape of claws similar to Vissi.

She was another dragonkin.

A smile rested on her full pink lips as she looks at me, I felt warm as her eyes landed on me. There wasn't anything but kindness in her eyes, she tilts her head to me and then turns to look at my brother, Ambrose.

"Don't mind this Duffus, he's still young and doesn't control his emotions well," Ambrose says to me with a small smile.

"Go on introduce yourself," he pressures.

"Hi, little sis. I'm Grail, the youngest out of all the brother," he says ducking his head after he says his peace.

Ambrose releases his shoulder and he sits back down.

I look expectantly at Ambrose, and he straightens his spectacles before he starts.

"Hello, Little Sister, I'm Ambrose, the second oldest after Clemente. Although out of all of these lot, I'm most defiantly the most reliable," he scoffs as he shots a glare towards Clemente.

Oh, we're these two brothers on bad terms?

Clemente just gives a bright smile in response to the jab that Ambrose made.

"I'd also like to introduce you to my fiancé, Marigold, she's a Dragonkin," he states simply.

I look back towards the beautiful dragon woman, again. She was true, easy on the eyes and she seemed quite easy going.

It was a bit curious, what she found good about my uptight brother, but he wasn't too hard on the eyes either. All my brother had their own unique charm that was for sure!

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Hollis, your brothers are all just very excited to have a little sister. You'll have to excuse their attitudes they can be children sometimes," Marigold says with a peal of soft laughter. Her voice is soft and warm like sunshine.

A beautiful smile blooms on her lips as she looks at me, with a tilt of her head to the side.

"I see you've found, the smoothie that I left for you," she says inclining her head towards the drink that's in my hands. I look down at the smoothie and then back at her.

"You made this?" I ask.

"I did, I even used my blood. Since your mother mentions that you've got a sweet tooth for Dragon blood," she says with a soft wink of her big golden eyes.

I felt a blush crawl up my neck.

I was drinking my Brother's fiancés blood!

"It's really tasty," I can't help but sputter out as I lower my head in embarrassment.

That was a bright thing to say, I couldn't help but growl to myself softly. Sometimes, I really felt like a child, when I was surrounded by people that are centuries older than me.

A light laugh leaves her mouth, but she doesn't say anything more.

I can't believe that I've been munching on her blood like it was a snack!

She did make a mean smoothie though…