The Goddess of Death, Muheia*

Sitting in a carriage, I look out of the window at the crowded streets. It was a busy day as I headed through the city streets. I could see children running around and playing, and adults on their way to work or perhaps out to shop.

It was a heartwarming scene. I felt my mouth draw into a smile, as I look at them.

The closer we got to the city's center the more adventurers I saw, and the more inns and accommodation that appeared. Alongside those, I can see all sorts of shops that sell merchandise that was suited for adventurers.

Forges that pushed out a great deal of steam and heat from their chimneys that are hard at work, filling orders or mending broken equipment.

Even with all the foot traffic, the city is clean and not filthy, unlike the medieval cities that I had read about in the history books in my past life. This place was a far cry from the same. Instead, this place was home to magic and magical inventions that made this feel like a modern world for the most part.

Humming to myself, I grin when I see the temple coming into view. It was still astonishing to see, plus behind it sticking far up into the sky was the dungeon tower.

They are mammoth towers that hold completely different worlds inside of them. I'd yet to enter into the dungeon tower, but that didn't mean that there weren't plenty of books that I could read to get a sense about them.

Nearing the front of the temple, the carriage comes to a halt. Smiling I push the door open and jump out of the confinement of the carriage. The hum and buzz of the city enter my ears, and I can't help but smile wider.

"Young Miss, do you want me to accompany you into the temple?" The coach driver asks, he was a serious-looking fellow. Even with the black covering that was over both of his eyes. He seemed to be able to see without trouble. His hair is a deep and shining purple that's pulled neatly into a bundle behind his head and tied with a black silk bow.

His ears are long and pointed, he was an elf, except he was a dark elf. His skin was the color of ash and brimstone. He always had a stern expression on his face.

"No, I'll be fine," I tell him with a grin.

"Then do you need me to wait for you to finish?" He asks again.

"No, I have plans after this, I'll call you when I need you," I tell him with a shake of my head.

He gives a solemn nod of his head. "Then I wish you a good day, Young Miss," he says, and with a crack of the whip, he's off.

Watching the coach disappear for a bit, I turn and walk towards the temple.

Walking forward, I quickly arrive at the stairs. Rasing my foot, I begin to climb up the marble stairs. All along the stairs, I can see a myriad of different races that are sitting together in groups. It seems that they are all respectively praying to their God or Goddess.

It was normal for this place to have an assortment of different races at all times of the day, the temple was never closed. Always opened and always welcoming, if one wanted to speak to their creator then the temple would welcome them with open arms.

Only glancing at them, I return my attention to the front of the temple and climb the rest of the stairs. Arriving at the entrance, I notice that there are fewer people than I thought that there would be.

It was tranquil and silent, as I take a step inward. Looking around, I try to locate a Priest or Priestess, but I don't see any. My aunt had said that she would be here for a while longer, and if I came to just show them her medallion and they'd take me to her.

The medallion, that she'd given to me was in the shape of a woman's head and had three-pointed stars above her. Twisting the medallion in my hand for a second longer, I return it to my storage bank.

Sighing to myself, I decided that I would walk until I came upon someone. As I walked deeper and deeper into the temple, I soon came to find that I had left everyone behind, not a soul was around me.

The deeper I went the more the temple began to change before my eyes. Soon I was starting to wonder if this was the same time that I had entered for my ceremony just a few days ago. But now around me, was silence and the only light came from the sunstones that are situated in the ceiling of the temple.

As I was starting to get worried, I came upon rooms. They didn't have doors on them, and as such I could see into each of them.

Walking towards the first door that was on my left, I see tree branches that are stretching out from the open doorway. However, the doorways now that I'd gotten closer were huge, it looked like it could accommodate a full-blown dragon.

The tree branches spilling out from the door, have a myriad of flowers that are all in full bloom and full colors. Reaching the doorway itself, I peek my head into the room.

At the center of the room, a huge towering wood-carved statue of a woman rest. She was beautiful, with pointed ears, and a crown of flowers that grow around her head, the hair that cascades down her body didn't look as if it was carved from wood. It seems so real.

But indeed, it was wood. Her eyes are full of golden flowers, the statue felt so alive. She was also surrounded by a forest of trees and flowers. At the base of the statue, I found a tree symbol carved into the wood.

It seems that this was a statue of the Goddess of Nature, Adoraia.

Not wanting to linger any longer, I head out of the room and move to the next room. This one instead of flowers was full of weapons, and the towering statue of a woman dressed in a full set of armor can be seen.

Her entire being felt like it lusted for blood, she was made completely out of metal. Her face was drawn into a wide grin, and her eyes are slanted, and drawn in a way that made me feel like she was in bliss. Her foots extended forward and her arms pointing forward as if she is commanding an army.

Behind her giant weapons are pointed forward as if ready to slay her foes. I didn't even need to look down at the two sword symbols that carved into the metal, to know that this was the Goddess of War.

Staring at her I felt my blood boil, I wanted to burn her damn statue down. She seems so much like an Evil Goddess. Turning away from her, I head out of her room.

But I felt a little bit of excitement boil in my heart if all the Gods and Goddess are depicted in these rooms, which meant one of them held the Goddess of Death.

Feeling a renewed sense of vigor, I walk down looking for the Goddess of Death.

It took a little to find her, I came across the God of Magic's room, and the God of Peace's room, before I found her.

Arriving in front of a room that had black fog that rolls out of it, I knew that this was it. My heartfelt warm and soft like I was coming home. Taking a deep breath, I walk into the room shrouded in fog and dark magic.

Padding into the room, I found that after the first layer of fog had cleared.

I was inside of a forest. However, this forest was different from the plants and greeny that I had seen in Adoraia room. This forest was completely dead. Barren land that had jewels and all sorts of precious metal laying around, a few trees stuck out of the ground and are made up of bodies, that look like they'd petrified into the wood.

Walking towards a tree, I see a woman sitting on it. She wasn't huge like the other statues, instead, she sat against the tree, and it felt like someone had completely removed all her features, her body was a grey black and her eyes are a vibrant amber gold. Atop her head is two large antlers that look a lot like deer antlers.

The antlers themselves glow a bright amber as well, her hair is floating above her head completely black.

"Hello," I say softly as I move towards the tree.

'Little one, be wary of all God's if you wish to live.' An immaterial voice, that sent chills down my back, whispers.

Just as the woman with the antlers had appeared, she vanishes. I rub my eyes, but she was gone.

All of a sudden the wind kicks up, and in front of me appears another woman.

Her hair's a silverish purple, at the end of her silverish purple hair it's completely white.

On her beautiful face, I find that she has three eyes. The one rest above her eyebrows on her forehead, they're all a glittering starry black and look as if the universe is swirling in them.

Around her head rests a golden wreath, and glowing earrings that look like galaxies dangle from her ears. Surrounding her are little halos of black fire, that orbit her like a solar system.

Her body that's curvy and full rest in a dress made of glittering black starlight. Her skin white as snow, except on her hands, and I can see that half of her face is also completely black.

Staggering a few steps back.

I see two white fangs poking out from her lips that are drawn into a brilliant smile.

"My granddaughter, you've finally visited me!"

The woman was none other than the Goddess of Death, Muheia.