A Grandmother's Knowledge

"You're the spitting image your mother when she was your age," her swirling eyes are captivating as they look at me.

I felt a shiver crawl up my spine, as I look at her. She gave off a feeling of immense pressure, it was like a weight was bearing down on my body, and it was taking all my willpower to keep myself standing.

"Thank you," I manage to mutter out.

Her third eye atop her head closes, and I felt the overbearing pressure subside, and I sucked in a deep breath. When the eye was open it felt like the world itself was bearing down on me.

A small peal of laughter leaves her mouth, and her eyes get drawn up into little slits. After she finished, she raises her blackened hands and claps. The sound that was produced was loud like a drum had been hit with all the force someone could muster, in the next second the dark and desolate wasteland began to transform.

Instead, of a wasteland, we're now standing inside a large pavilion.

The pavilion itself was decorated in black, with skulls and all sorts of other macabre things. The roof of the pavilion looks like I was peeking into space. All sorts of constellations, and stars and other plants could be seen above us.

In the middle of the pavilion, there's an area that covered in pillows, and in the center of the pillows a large table had been laid out, the focal point of the table was a huge candle holder that looked like the bodies of humans had been melted together to make it.

A few candles rest in the holder, and similar to the black halo flames that are circling Muheia, the candles are a deep red and produce the same type of black flame.

Without wasting any time she's sauntered her way over to the table, and sat down on one side, her body sinking into the pillows.

Looking towards me, she waves her hand, and I feel an invisible force drag me like a rag doll to the other side of the table. It throws me into the mound of pillows, and to my surprise, they're quite comfy.

Position myself in an upright position, I shoot her a glare. "I am quite capable of moving on my own," I tell her.

She doesn't even bat an eyelash at my response, instead, she snaps her fingers and all of a sudden the sound of bells appears. It was a soft and sweet sound, that completely clashed with the surroundings.

Looking around, I find little cat-shaped creatures walking towards us on their hindlegs. They walk like humans, and in between, they're little paws they've got an assortment of things. In total there are five little kitty creatures. Each of them is wearing a little shirt and over their face are black cowls, that have a magic circle inscribed on them.

"What are these?" I ask her.

Picking a glass up, that has a light blue substance in it, she began to swirl the content of the cup, as she answers me.

"These are my servants, they're spirits to be exact," she says with a cheeky grin, as her lips pull back even further to reveal a row of shiny pearl white pointed teeth.

I nod my head as I watch them walk over to her and begin to deposit the boxes that they have in their hands. They each bow as they put the boxes down.

"I came here to talk to you," I tell her.

"I know that. Why else would you seek me out in less there was something that I could help you with?" She questions snidely, and with a sly grin as she dumps the content of the cup into her mouth.

A small bit of the blue drink misses her lips and slides down her face. Her tongue slides out of her mouth and catches it before the drop can fall from her face. Putting the empty glass down onto the table, she motions her hands and the spirits that had gathered vanish as if they'd never been there, to begin with.

"If you know this, then you must know what I'm here to talk to you about, as well?" I ask softly.

"I may be a Goddess, but I'm the Goddess of Death. Not the Goddess of All-Knowing…of course, I can guess as to why you're here," she laughs, but her face doesn't indicate that she finds it funny at all.

"Ask your question Granddaughter," she says as she closes her eyes.

Clenching my hands, I sit up straighter and smooth a hand over my shirt.

"I want to know if you can remove this bless from the Goddess of War," I say placing my hands onto the table full of treats.

The halos of fire rotating around her burn a little more. She flicks a hand through her hair and pauses for a moment.

"I'm not capable of removing her blessing, it's something that's been given and not something that can be removed by another. If you wish to rid yourself of a blessing then you must go to the one that gifted it you," she says her eyes open ever so slightly.

Leaning back, I frown. "We both known that she wouldn't remove it," I say lowly.

"Indeed, she's a vexing one. But you shouldn't worry about that small matter, my blessing is better than the one that she has gifted to you," she laughs softly.

I snort. "It's the same blessing that everyone gets," I chirp leaning back against the pillows.

"Tut, tut, darling. That isn't the case the blessing originally starts the same as everyone else, but yours will evolve into something else. You should know that good thing come to the ones that wait," she says with a wave of her hand.

"I wouldn't elaborate on the details, so don't ask me to," she continues.

Reaching out with her right hand, she plucks a dripping golden fruit up from a plate. Moving it towards her mouth, I watch as her face began to split open, the golden fruit that the size of a fist gets completely swallowed by her.

I felt my stomach churn, as I watch her face knit back together.

"Continue," she says after her tongue shots out of her mouth and cleans her lips that are covered in golden juice.

Steadying myself, I ask her my next question.

"Why didn't I meet you when I reincarnated, but instead met the God of Life. You said that he played a trick on you?" I ask her.

All of a sudden, all of her eyes open, even the third eye. The same feeling as before began to assault my body, but even greater. It felt like the weight of the world had been dropped onto my shoulder.

The whole of the pavilion began to shake and the glasses and plates on the table exploded.

My whole stomach felt like it was dropping out of my body, my brain felt like someone was compressing it.

"That being, CHEATED me!" She says all of her eyes burning a brilliant crimson color.

I couldn't even respond, my brain felt like it was melting. I was starting to see triple of everything, my vision was starting to even get dark.

Seeming to understand what she was doing, she closes her third eye, and I quickly try to drag air into my lungs.

"Huff, Huff," I felt my eyes starting to water, now that I could breathe.

"He's a despicable trickster, he stole your soul from me. It happened so fast that by the time I realized it. He'd already sent you to be reborn as my kin. However, I'm a little worried that he's done something to you, that I'm unable to see," she says with a stormy expression still on her face.

Still feeling a little shaken up after what just happened. I lean back into the pillows; she was still pissed off.

"Do you and he have some sort of problem with each other?" I decided that I would refer to the God of Life, as him, instead of his title.

She takes a deep breath, as she waves her hand and all the shattered plates and glasses began to meld together.

"He's my antithesis, something that directly opposes my divinity," waving her hand black spirits appear between her fingers. "As such, we've never really seen eye to eye in most things, resulting in him playing tricks on me. He's nothing more than a selfish child, that has his fingers in too many pies," she snorts as she draws her hand into a fist.

The spirits that are circling her fingers vanish into nothingness.

"You mean his intervention is giving life to all of the other God's creations?" I ask her.

"Yes, indeed there is that also. I'd considered myself, and him to be some of the most powerful of the thirteen God's and Goddess. We both rule over things that happen to all the races, except mine. He gives life, and I am a taker of that, death.

However, my creations neither needing his spark of life or dying after a set period are a complete rejection of his divinity. Your ability to live forever, if you so choose to, you can indeed die, but that only if you're an idiot. To balance this fact the birth rate for vampires is much lower. Everything has an equal and opposite to some extent, there must be a balance in the universe," she explains as she looks at me.

"Why are you telling me all this?" I ask her.

A smirk rest on her lips. "Consider it the teaching of a Grandmother, if you will," she states with a wave of her hand.