Finding Treasure in a Dump! Pt. 3

Each of the cases in front of us gives off a distinct feeling like they each have a will of their own. The six's boxes are all different colors from one another.

"Here ya go lil lass," he quickly begins to take the top off of each of the box, and slip it underneath of the box. And soon six different items are revealed to us.

The first box was the color of lilacs, and inside of it rest six fans. Each of the fans is delicate and beautifully crafted, with a different design on each of them. The structure of the fans are pearly white and look like they'd been polished to glow brightly.

The leaves of the fans are glittering and look sharp as a knife.

Looking closer, there is the image of a woman on one of the fans, while the other parts of the fan seem to depict the different emotions of the woman. Happiness, sadness, angriness, enviousness, and then finally ambivalence.

It was as if each fan was showing a different side to the woman that was on the first fan. On the first fan, her face is completely obscured from view.

"These are beautiful," I say looking up at the dwarf.

"These hands are able to do a lot lass," he scoffs at me.

"These are the Six fans of a courtesan," he tells me removing one of the fans from its position within the box. With a quick flick of his wrist, he closes the fan, and then with another he opens them and the picture of the woman with an envious expression appears as if it's alive.

Her emotionless eyes twist with jealously as they look at me, and she painted red mouth seems to open wider as if she wants to consume me. But just as quickly as the scene played out it vanished and he closes the fan.

"May I?" I asked holding out my hand.

He hands it to me without any fuss.

Once the fan touches my hand, I felt my wrist sag a little, it was heavier than I expected it to be. Strengthing my wrist, I draw the fan closer to my face and inspect it. Fanning, it's leaves I look closer at the design on the fan.

Without fail information appears in front of my face

「One of six's fans crafted by the blacksmith Hargin. Designed after a courtesan that had many faces, yet in the end, lost her face. Crafted out of the flesh of a mirror snake, the design can move and mimic the emotion, through the usage of its wielder mana. The body of the fan was crafted from the bones of a snow-white tiger bear!」

「A hidden effect exists! Appraisal to low to determine hidden effect!」

"Tsk," I click my tongue and hand the fan back to the dwarf, how's name is Hargin it seems.

"Not up to snuff lil lass?" He asks with a chuckle as he places it back into the box.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Silvyr looking at the fans with a warm expression. Was he interested in those fans?

Well, he can do what he wants with them, I don't believe those are suited for me.

"Not quite," I mutter and turn my attention to the next box.

Within the next box a curious item rest, this wasn't an obvious weapon, and I didn't know if it was a weapon at all, to be frank.

It was a woman or well the sculpture of a woman. She was about as wide as a child's fist and as tall as the length of someone's fingertips to their mind arm, right below the elbow.

Figurine size, or maybe a tiny bit bigger.

Glancing at the dwarf, I was starting to wonder if he was a blacksmith or more of an artisan...

Everything on the figure of the woman was sculpted to precision. She was the perfect woman, her face was soft and tranquil, yet at the same time devoid of all emotion. Her sculpted hair was long and reached down to her feet, and she was dressed in a huge set of plated armor.

The whole of the woman was crafted from a shinning bright blue metal...

"Just what in the world is this?" I ask.

Reaching my right hand out, I pick up the woman. She had a good amount of weight on her. However, the moment my hand came into contact with her, a shiver of intense sadness washes over my body.

It was as if someone had poured cold water down my back, and ripped my heart to shreds.

"Haa!" I gasped for air, as I removed my hand from around the figure. She drops back into her box, and I suck in a few deep breaths.

"Are you okay?" Silvyr asks wrapping an arm around me.

"Hey! What did you do you, old scammer?!" He yells at the gramps.

"Listen here knife ears! I ain't no scammer," he huffs crossing his arms.

"That's just the attribute of that particular weapon. It's a unique trait of her, I suppose. She's a marionette it's a defensive weapon. She no wielded normally, ya see a lot of mages use these types of defensive weapons.

They're multipurpose and easy enough to craft, ya see them a lot in human nations. However, mines a masterpiece ya hear!" He says slamming his hand on the counter.

I felt like I could breathe again.

"I designed her to be competent only as a battle type shieldmaiden," he grins deviously as he looks at the marionette in the box.

"You've basically downgraded all the other features of the marionette to make her singular functioned?" I ask him.

"Again, a scammer," Silvyr smiles.

The old man's face turns bright red.

"Ya ungrateful brats, shall I just take the rest of my weapons back?" He snorts.

"No, I appreciate you showing us your wares," I tell him.

Focusing on the item a screen appears.

「A Marionette crafted from the body of a blue ghost mermaid queen, only found within certain parts of the world dungeon unwater caverns! This was forged by the great drawven blacksmith Hargin. 」

What an interesting item, just how was it forged out of someone from the mermaid race. Although, it did say that it was a ghost, perhaps some sort of monster.

"Let's move to the next," I say.

"Here," the gramps says simply.

The item inside the next box was simple and a wand, although, I could feel a lot of MP in it. I had no design or desire for it. That wasn't the sort of weapon that suited me.

Neither was the one that followed after it, a set of three pistols. Although they were beautiful and were unlike the pistol that I used to. Plus, I didn't see myself handling guns.

However, Silvyr face lit up like a light.

I almost burst out laughing, he was so set on not letting this gramps impress him. Yet, he'd been overtaken when he'd seen the pistols.

"How about these two items lil lass," the gramps says.

He pushes the last two boxes towards me.

These boxes are bigger than the other boxes that he'd presented earlier.

It felt like all the heat had been sucked out of my body when I peered into the first box, it was a long halberd. The pole was made of milk-white metal, and it seems to glitter with a frosty disposition.

The blade was an inky black that has a sharply pointed ax, and coming out of the back of the blade are blades that look like bird wings.

It was ominous but beautiful, I run my fingers along the blade and smile at the icy feeling it was mixed with warmth. Yet, it was buried underneath the freezing cold.

I pull my slightly frozen finger from the blade.

「Forged with the bone of a frost king, the pole has the freezing nature and properties of the monster it was taken from. The blade of the sword was crafted from iron infused with the blood of a blackened bird of prey. Hence the bird-like wings that branch out from the main blade.」

"What do you say, Lass? Ya' gonna try yer' luck with this blade?" He asks me with a crooked grin.

I wanted to laugh, it appears that I got too excited and let it show. That was a mistake on my part.

"Let's see the last one gramps!" I grin.

"Gramps?" He questions.

I don't comment and turn my attention to the last box, it wasn't as long as the box that housed the halberd, but this one still had a rather large weapon within it.

They're battle gauntlets within the box. They're a mixture of red and purple. They look similar to that of dragon scales, however, they're fundamentally different. I don't feel the same energy radiating from the gauntlet as my armor.

Running a finger over them, I felt a soft heartbeat seem to flutter in them.

「Made from the heart of a five-hundred-year-old dragon salamander. Fundamentally different from Dragons, they still have a shred of dragonic mana in them. It's also been combined with a blood plum egg. These preserve the heart of the creature within the gauntlets, allowing for the user to draw on the skills of the Dragon Salamander!」

Oh... that's why they still have a heartbeat in them.

Standing back, I look at all the weapons that have appeared in front of me. They're all impressive in their own rights, but just what shall I buy?

"Gramps! I'll buy the pistols and the fans," Silvyr says with a determined look.

"Oh, since when did my weapons seem like anything but a scammer trick?" The old man taunts.

A flustered expression appears on his face and he tries to retort but falls short.

Poor Silvyr.

"How much?" He asks.

"For ya lad, it'll be five thousand gold," the old man says with a crooked grin.

"F-five thousand?" Silvyr asks.

"Indeed, I use top-notch materials ya hear. Pay up lad, I'm already doing you a deal so cheap," he says with a shrug.

I felt my own stomach turn at the price.

"Gramps how much for the halberd, gauntlets, and the marionette?" I ask before Silvyr can respond.

"Twelve thousand gold," he says without blinking.

I wanted to cough up blood, he was really a scammer! But at the same time, I couldn't argue these weapons were top notch.

Well, let the war begin for price!