Gift Wrapped Please

"Now I'm sure that you can lower the price," I say. Trying my best to put on a friendly smile.

"Of course, I could lower the price. But what makes ya think, yer gonna get that?" He asks me those eyes of his drawing narrower into a hard line.

It would appear that he really didn't want to budge on the price.

How had I not won him over yet? Was he still angry that I had called him rude, or maybe it was Silvyr that was pissing him off?

A lot of thoughts ran through my head, and I couldn't exactly pinpoint what had ticked the gramps off that bad to drive this hard of a bargain. However, I knew that I would make him drop the price even if it was only a bit.

Twelve thousand gold coins were enough to support a small noble family for a year. Most adventurers that were just starting out wouldn't even make that much if your skilled then, of course, you can make that but even then it was at the risk of your life.

To pay that much for three weapons, indeed, was a hefty price. Most would have stormed out at this point and went and bought a decent weapon at one of the bigger shops for a far cheaper price tag. However, I was not most people!

"Now, I'm sure that we can come to some price agreement," I say rubbing the back of my head.

"How about eight thousand?" I ask. I'll low balling it, and then he'll hopefully come down a bit on the price.

His eyes darken and he stroke his bread as he looks at me. I don't flinch as those cold eyes run over my face. I wouldn't hesitate!

"Lil lass, my weapons aren't that cheap eleven thousand five hundred gold," he says shaking his head.

He was only going to knock off five hundred gold? What type of negotiation was that?!

"Really, gramps if you think of me as a lil lass, remember that I don't have deep pockets," I tell him with a frown.

He snorts and slaps his hand down on the counter, causing the box to all shift a little. Thankfully none of them fall to the ground.

"That Odachi ya have lil lass ain't cheap either, I'm sure your pockets are just fine," he chortles and I want to slap him.

"It was a gift," I say with a shrug. The last thing I would do was show him that I was ruffled by what he said.

"Old Man, your charging highway robbery!" Silvyr says as he places his hand on the counter as well.

"What if I am? Huh?" He challenges.

What a headache!

"Nine thousand and five hundred gold, that's my offer gramps take it or leave it," I tell him flatly.

"Ten thousand and ya have ya self a deal lil lass," he says extending his hands towards the items that I want.

"Deal," I tell him with a smile.

"Now what about ya lad? Ya gonna pay up or not?" He says turning towards Silvyr a demonic look in his eyes.

"Four thousand," Silvyr says.

"Four thousand five hundred, that's my offer for you lad. Take it or leave it," he says simply leaning back slightly from the counter. A grin already on his face as if he won already.

"I'll take it, gramps," Silvyr mutters.

"Ah-ha, this is the best business I've had in a while! Would you like them to be gift wrapped?" He asks both of us. He'd flipped scrips as if someone had flipped a light switch. He was now the picture of a salesman.

I felt my mouth twitch. I wanted nothing more than to yell at him, but I held it in!

"The gauntlets you can gift wrap for me," I say weakly as I began to pull out my card.

"The fans for me," Silvyr says doing the same as me.

"Coming right up lass, lad!" He says.

He quickly packages back up the wand, and move it underneath the counter. Then he put the tops back onto the boxes and split them up. Putting the pistols and the fans to the right and then my halberd, the marionette and the gauntlets to the left.

Reaching back underneath of the counter he pulls out some simple brown paper, and quickly wraps up the fans for Silvyr and puts them back on top of the not packaged pistols.

He repeats and does the same for the gauntlets. Once he's finished he returns the paperback underneath the counter and then reaches out his hands.

"Ya cards if ya will," he says grinning. I begrudgingly hand over my card to him and Silvyr does the same.

Silvyr's card's got his name printed in neat letters and the symbol of his house on the front of it, while it was also the color of the forest. While mine is the same just with the symbol of my house printed on it, in the color black.

These are cards that are similar to credit cards from the old world, they just call them bank cards here. The guild, which is the foundation of a lot in this world, that also serves as a bank, it allows you to process money through his cards, transfer deposit and withdraws can all be done with these cards.

It's pretty handy.

Pulling out his card, the old man taps his card to mine and Silvyrs. A bright white light flashes and then it vanished and with that, the money's been deducted.

"Here ya go," he says extending both of his arms out. I grab my card from him and return it to my storage, and Silvyr does the same.

"These here are yours, lil lass," he says pushing the stack closer to me. I deposit the marionette and halberd box and pick up the brown wrapped package.

"These here are your lad," he says pushing the two boxes towards silvyr. He does the same and holds the fans in his hand, a blush on his face as he looks at the wrapped box.

"Make sure if ya damage them or need me to have them adjusted or repaired ya bring them back here," gramps says as he stroke his beard.

Grinning, I give him a small bow. "Thanks, will make sure that we bring them back gramps Hargin," I say grinning.

A look of shock runs over his face as he looks at me, and I grin even wider.

"Lil lass, how do you know my name?" He asks.

I raise a finger to my lip, "it's a secret," I say with a wink.

"Old Man Hargin, I'll remember you," Silvyr says as he nods.

"Wait you didn't answer my question, lil lass!" He yells from his spot on the stool.

Turning I walk towards the front of the shop.

"I'll visit you again, make some more stuff for me, kay?" I say, as I open the door and head out of the shop. I don't hear his reply, but I'm sure he scoffing at me. He seems like the type.

The fresh air from outside is a nice change from the hard to stomach stale air in the store. Looking around I find that Cecily and Ekon are still standing outside of the store. They're locked in a deep argument, completely unaware of their surroundings.

Thankfully, the streets are completely devoid of anyone, it was just the two of them bickering at each other.

"Ahem," I clear my throat and the two of their heads swivel towards me.

Smiling I look at both of them.

"You two never cease to amaze me at how much you argue," Silvyr says shaking his head. I almost laugh, but stop myself.

"Whatever," Ekon says with a snort as he turned up his nose.

"Cecily was just talking to Brother, not arguing!" Cecily says defending herself, and her brother.

"Now, now, let's not get upset, I've got something for you Ekon," I say walking forward.

He turns to look at me his golden browns eyes looking at the brown package in my hands. I stop in front of him and extend my arms outward.

"Here, take it," I say.

Without further prompting, he takes the box from my arms and looks down at it, but doesn't make any move to open it.

"What's inside?" He asks me.

"A present of course," I tell him with a cheeky smile.

"Thank you," he says with a duck of his head. I could see the blush tinting his cheeks, and I wanted to bully him a little bit, but I controlled myself.

"What about Cecily?" Cecily ask.

"I got you something, actually," Silvyr says walking towards Cecily. His normally olive skin was slightly flushed as he shows her the box in his arms.

"You got Cecily a present?" She asks.

"Why do you say it like that? Why wouldn't I get you a present?" He gasps with annoyance as he quickly pushes the box into her hands.

Her hands close around the brown package, and she looks down at it with a curious expression. Seeing this causes Silvyr's face to light up even further and turn an even darker shade of pink. I felt bad for him, he really liked Cecily it seems.

Seeing as she wasn't responded to his question, I could see beads of sweat running down his face. Not able to stand the silence any longer, he speaks up.

"Well it's getting late, I've got to go home. I'll see you at the Fate Temple in two days," he mutters before he takes off running in the other direction.

I wanted to stop him, but he quickly vanished into the distance. What a waste!

"He really bought it for Cecily?" She turns to ask me.

"Yeah, he thought you'd like them. Shall we open them once we get home, you can tell him what you think of his gift in two days at the Fate Temple," I tell her reaching a hand out to rub her head.

"Cecily plans to," she says with a firm nod.