The Goblin Mages

The more I look at the line of goblin mages and healers. The more I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. This was turning out to be much more than just a simple den of goblins…this was looking like the makings of a Goblin King.

If a Goblin King was involved that meant that all that awaited these people was a painful death.

A Goblin King meant that a disaster was about to begin. If that was the case, then it wouldn't be farfetched for me to have to slay ten thousand goblins.

The tree had already turned into tinder and burned completely to the ground. Slipping in the darkness, I grind my teeth. I'd kill theses little goblins! How dare they aim a fireball at my head like that!

"AGGHH" A loud cry broke through the sound of carnage and sword clashing.

Looking towards the battlefield I find that a tank has fallen to a hoard of goblins. His corpse was being swarmed and the goblins proceeded to beat and cut his body apart. He was being mauled into a mess of flesh and blood.

It was disgusting to watch, but I didn't move my eyes away.

The once somewhat balanced battlefield was slowly being shifted in the favor of the goblin hoard. With the loss of that one tank, the burden that the other had to take on was crippling.

At the backline of the humans, the two healers are spitting up blood. Both of their eyes are leaking blood, and the male healers' eyes roll completely into the back of his head. The burden that his magic costed him was great. It seems that he'd encountered the backlash from mana exhaustion.

He was down for the count.

The woman healer wasn't fairing any better, her face was ghastly pale. Streaks of blood run out of her eyes and rip onto the ground. She looks like a demonic being that had crawled out of the grave.

Her knees buckle and she falls onto the ground half-conscious. With the loss of the constant healing, the battlefield became even more desperate, the wretched sounds of people dying burst outwards like the howling of a banshee.

This was the beginning of the descent into chaos.

It looks like I'd have to step in and do something, or else they were all going to be completely wiped out by the hoard. Forget about saving them if that happened, there wouldn't be anything left of them to save.

I'd take out the mage and healers on the goblin side, with that it should cripple the rest of the goblin hoard. It shouldn't be too hard to get rid of them if I can get close enough, most mages and healers are weak in close quarters combat.

Jumping off the ground, I jump into another tree and begin to run and summon my scissors.

It was time to go to work!

Sensing me drawing closer to them the already high alert mages and healer notice my approach. Smiling, I leap forward like a panther and grab the mage that was closet to me around his neck.

Goblin mages are a little different from average goblins. He was a lot weaker physically and had an appearance that was more humanoid. In his slimy yellow eyes, I saw fear and intelligence.

He tries to start chanting, but I clench my hand and crush his throat. Twisting my body, I pivot on my right foot and launch the goblin into a line of goblin soldiers that are heading my way.

Crashing into the soldiers they tumble over and I smirk.

[3 Goblin's Killed]

Oh, that was convenient.

Dashing forward, I arrive quickly towards the six soldiers that I'd knocked down. They had better armor than the tatters that the first goblins that I encountered had. But that didn't matter, twisting my scissors I slam the blade down into the first goblin and watch the life fade out of those hateful eyes.

"Damn!" The voice of a male goblins sounds behind me.

Twisting around, I catch the wrist of the goblin and find a dagger that was meant to hit the back of my skull. Smirking, I snap his wrist and let go of my scissors and grab the dagger from his hand.

"Well aren't you a quick-witted one," I chuckle as I look at the fearful goblin.

Flipping it in my hand, I slam it underneath of his chin and twist the blade clockwise, nasty blood splashes down onto my hand.

[2 Goblin's Killed]

With a quick and fluid motion, I draw the dagger out of his throat. At the same time, the hair on the back of my neck raises up and I sense danger. Grabbing my scissor with one arm, I push off the ground and summersault throat the air.

Landing a bit away from where I was just standing, my feet sink into the dirt as I come to a sliding halt. The area I'd just been at was now a charred crater. That fireball was defiantly shot with the intent to kill me just then.

The bodies of the goblins I'd knocked down and killed are being burned into nothingness by the flames.

"Aren't you a sneaky bunch!" I laugh standing up, looking towards the mages and healers. I find them clumped up together, and a stern-looking mage stand at the front.

He's got a headdress on that made out of a human skull and feathers that are a bright red. His ugly green skin has a fair number of warts and he's sneering at me from underneath of his headdress. Around his arms and legs that peek out from his rob, he's got white sparling design on them.

"Damn human female how dare you interrupt us! We'll capture you and impregnate you; you'll suffer humiliation at our hands and bare children that will impregnate you!" He yells at me waving his wooden staff at me, it had a glowing green red crystal at the head of the staff.

I whistle softly.

"Wow, that sounds like something straight out of a comic. Hey, goblin! I'll kill you last so you can watch as I butcher your friends and probably siblings," I chuckle darkly.

"Lowly human," he scoffs as he raises his staff, it began to glow. He also began to murmur to himself.

[Sprint Activated]

Shooting forward towards the line of goblins, I hurl the bloody dagger forward towards one of the mages at his side, and it sinks into their eye.

"Agh!" A wretched scream leaves his mouth as he drops his staff to the ground.

'Oh, holy father cast a protection over your children!' At the same time, a golden shield is erected around all the mages and healers.

My body lands heavily onto the shield and I stamp my foot onto the barrier, but to my surprise, it didn't give out under the pressure. It held true.

"Knock, Knock," I slammed my fist down onto the glowing shield. "Anyone home," I sneer as I kept banging on the shield.

A few healer squeals in fear and fall onto the ground as they look up at me. They could scream all they wanted but that didn't mean that I would feel an ounce of pity for them!

"Tsk," I growl slamming against the barrier more, it began to splinter.

"Don't let that wretched girl break in!" The lead goblin mage shouts. He glares up at me with unbridled hatred, the feeling was mutual through.

Underneath the barrier, about five mages began to raise their staff's and chant a spell. At the tips of their staff, a burning flame began to grow. Also, behind me, I felt the heat of the spells.

These clever little bastards planned to entrap me between the barrier and a barrage of fireballs.

The smirking face of the head goblin mage was infuriating.

'Oh, Great Flame Ignite!' They shouted.

"You sneaky little bastards!" I snap turning to face the oncoming fireballs.