The Girl Brings Death

"What are we going to do, Thomas is dead!" A young female tank screamed as she hewed the head off of a goblin that was charging her. The goblins head topples from its body and it falls to the ground with a thud.

Blood spewed from the corpse and splashes the already dirtied armor of the tank. She didn't even bother to try and raise her shield to block the splattering blood. This was no time to worry about dignity.

The only thought was how to survive the vicious on slot of the goblin hoard.

She was a tall woman, standing at the height of most men, she had brown hair that was tied in a ponytail beneath her helmet. Most of her face was obscured by the thick metal helmet that she had on to guard for head and face.

Covered in full plate metal armor and a heavy shield, she guarded the wagon that was full of supplies that her village needed. She had to hold out and bring these backs or it was over for the many people in her village.

In the other hand that wasn't holding a shield, she was swinging a long sword that she used to fend the goblins off with. If she was lucky, she'd manage to cut them down, or bludgeon them to death with her heavy shield.

Her shining armor was covered in filth and blood. Countless new scratches adorned her armor due to the countless arrows and attacks that had barraged her and her companions. Not to mention that magic attacks that were only repelled by the anti-magic enchantment that she had on her shield.

Although, it couldn't completely nullify all the damage that was done to her. It was at least able to provide a cushion; the healers would do the rest.

Singes and burns could be seen lining part of her armor. Sucking in a short breath, she tries to control her breathing. Turning her head every which way, she felt sick, there were so many enemies.

A few of the damage dealers that had were still standing, but barley their armor wasn't heavy and able to withstand countless blows. It was leather designed to be able to easily move about in.

"We can't hold out any more!" The pitiful voice of a swordswoman cries out.

She was covered in deep and thick cuts all over her body. It was amazing that she was able to stand, more so that she managed to repel attacks.

The two seasoned healers they had with them have passed out due to magical exhaustion. Leaving them with zero support as the injuries began to stack up. More and more people began to fall under the pressure. It was as if lady luck had abandoned them.

It was safe to say that it was looking bleak for them.

Biting her lips, she swung her sword towards a goblin that had entered her range. Easily cutting it down, but no matter how many she cut down another would appear to take its place. It was as if they were a never-ending stream of troops on the enemy side.

There was no way that they could retreat either, leaving their cargo was a no go. Escape was futile.

Could it be that she was meant to die here?

Deep and dark despair began to crawl up her spine as she swung her sword. The weight of that thought tore at her soul and weighed her down. It almost completely swallowed her hope whole.


The defining sound of an explosion shook her from her somber thoughts and despair. Turning her head upwards she notices that at the backline of the goblin's offensive a bunch of fireballs had been shoot out.

However, they weren't aimed at her or the line of tanks.

With that, a wave of relief washes over her body… they weren't aimed at her. But then just who in the hell were they aimed at?

Squinting her eyes, she could just barely make out the shape of a human being among the dust and smoke that had been kicked up from the explosions. Not only were they a human… they were banging on the glowing golden barrier that had been erected around the goblin mages and healers.

All of a sudden a gust of wind drew upwards and kicked all the dust and smoke from the area that had been bombarded by fireballs. Standing atop the glowing golden barrier was none other than a girl.

A mass of black hair flew around her as if she was the incarnation of a death god. Her foot slams heavily and brutally onto the barrier.




It was an ominous sound that her foot produced as it slammed onto the barrier. A chill ran down the spine of the female tank as she watched.

In the hand of the girl were a giant pair of…scissors!

The goblins that were underneath the barrier looked disturbed as they watched the girl that was trying to break through the barrier they'd raised.

At the same time, a huge billowing mass of fire began to appear behind her. It was as if the darkness of the night had evaporated under the brilliance of the burning fire that the mass of fire had created.


She desperately willed the girl that was standing atop the glowing golden barrier, that showed some signs of cracking.

"MOVE!" She couldn't help but call out to the girl.

The girl didn't seem bothered by the sudden burning heat behind her.

As if the words of the female tank had stirred something within the girl… she moves! Although, move... wasn't exactly the right word for the action. It was as if the girl had completely vanished and then reappeared in a completely different place.


But that was impossible only the High Mages could do that, there was no way that child was a High Mage!

She was about twenty feet away from the barrier of the goblins.

Now that she was on the ground the female knight could see just how tiny the girl was…

"She was nothing more than a child," she couldn't help but gasp out as she slew another goblin.

All of a sudden the mass of fireball broke apart and split into five midsize balls of fire. They began to hurtle towards the girl, she didn't even flinch at the oncoming balls.

Jumping she swings her giant scissors and easily cleaves the first ball of fire in half. Dropping down to the ground she dodges another ball that passes over her head.

BOOM! The first ball explodes behind her.

Opening the giant maws of the scissors she slams them into the ground and launches herself into the air. Flying through the air like a bird, she slams the scissors shut and cuts another fireball in half.

The three others began to surge towards her together, swings her body she moves the scissors into one hand, and swirls them. They easily slice the reaming balls of fire.




All the fireballs are gone now.

The once confident goblin mages soon begin to sober as they realized they hadn't been able to kill her. Without a moment of hesitation, she draws her arm back hurls her scissors from her midair position towards the glowing barrier.


It completely shatters into nothingness as the scissor slice through it like a hot knife through butter. The goblins began to fall apart now that there exposed to her.

She lands on the ground and a large sword appears in her hand. Shooting forward she dances like a reaper of death through the throngs of goblins.

With her free hand, she launches a knife towards one of the feeling goblin mages and it cuts through the air like a taunt arrow. It makes contact and slices through the raised arms of the goblin mage and burrows its way straight into the skull of the goblin mage.

It was as if she was a one-maned army, laying waste to her foes. She breezes through the remaining goblins like a whirlwind of death.

Losing the support of the goblin mages, the soldier and foot goblins that are rushing towards the female knight and her companions began to recede.

Stepping on the chest of the last goblin mage that had a large headdress, the girl smile and takes her sword and jabs it down into the head of the goblin mage.

Leaning back, she smiles, and blood drips down off of her face.

Some of the soldiers that are fleeing head towards her. It seems seeking to avenge their fallen brethren. They surge towards her, without even batting an eyelash she pulls her sword out of the dead goblin mages skull.

With quick steps, she also retrieves a dagger from another corpse. Flipping the dagger into an underhanded grip she heads towards the oncoming wave of goblins.

The first goblin arrives and swings its sword downwards trying to cleave her in half. Without much effort, she deflects the majority of the blow with her sword. It was like she was simply shrugging off the blow of a child, it was effortless and smooth.

In a split second, she moves her arm upwards and cuts into the underside of the goblins jaw. Penetrating the skull and slicing into the brain, she pulls the blade back and jumps backward as another sword arrives in the spot that she was just standing in.

Flicking her wrist, she sends her dagger flying into that goblin eye. Stepping forward she clenches her fist and slams it into the goblins head.

Effectively driving the blade deeper into its skull. A final gurgling cry leaves the goblin's mouth as it topples over.

This all transpired in a few seconds, and all the other goblin that had been madly rushing forward began to flee the other way towards the forest.

But she didn't let them escape that easily. She chased them down like a death goddess.

The once loud and unruly night had become unbearably silent other than the woeful sounds of dying creatures.

With the danger receding my companions began to drop like flies. Even my legs that felt strong and true up to this point, began to feel like nothing more than liquid.

Soon all the goblins had been slain and it was just us and her. My heart gave a painful thump as I look at her.

A little girl no more than eight or nine stood in front of me. Her inky black hair that reached a bit past her butt and her mismatched golden and green eyes were wide as she looks at me. Blood drips down her face and her pasty white skin is a ghastly contrast.

She's dressed in metal armor, that covers most of her body, but the way she moved was agile as if the weight didn't hold her down at all.

Standing just in the shadows of our torches, she looks as if she belonged to the night.

"I think they should be gone for now," she spoke up just loud enough for me, and only me to hear. Her voice was soft and childish but held an egotistical note to it.

It made her seem less ominous.

Clearing my throat, I lower my shield and press a hand over my heart.

"Thank you! We'd have been wiped out if it wasn't for your intervention," I tell her honestly.

After losing the weight and support of the shield, my legs almost buckled. It was then that I noticed that others had almost completely collapsed.

"Are you alright?" She questions stepping forward into the light. Her eyes are full of concern, and I saw two long fangs peeking out slightly from her lips.

A Vampire!

I felt the blood drain from my body, was I going to die by the hands of a vampire now?!