I will give you justice my brother..... Your little sister is back

Dahlia Louise Salvatore is one of the heiresses of the Salvatore Clan at the City of Alps. She is the younger sister of Clarence Liam; but no one knew about her existence except for Troy Alvarez, Kristoff Marquez, and Yumi Chan her brothers' best friends and the servants of the Salvatore Clan. Dahlia wants to have a normal life, that's why she lives in a very low key kind of life in an apartment with two bedrooms with her pet Bruno a German Shepard. She has been living in a city far away from the City of Alps but one day she got a piece of terrible news about her older brother. She has never seen her brother and her family for 10 years; at the age of 20 years old, she already finished her college degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management and now she is working as a bartender in one of the famous bars that she owned and anyone can say that she is very successful. But a tragedy came up with her and her family; she received a call from Troy Alvarez who is one of her brother's best friends, the call made her blood boil for she can't believe that a group of rich millionaire bachelors harmed her older brother just because of a woman who tried to set him up. She needs to go home... she needs to avenge her older brother..... and save the company which her father and brother build up.

When Dahlia received Troys' call 2 days ago she can't believe that her parents were killed in a car crash and her brother was found in an abandoned warehouse half dead. For her, whoever causes these things to happen to her family may be seeking death; her family is not involved in any fights even though some people in the underground world tries to harm them nor try to terrorize their business..... her family doesn't like to have any connections to those kinds of people for they don't like fights or the like but..... they didn't know that Dahlia is the most notorious, ruthless, merciless, heartless, and cold-hearted princess of the boss of the number one Mafia at City B, and Dalhia is the shadow who protects her family for almost 5 years.

The Black Shadow Mafia was organized by her at City B 5 years ago, it is said to be that it has so many connections both the inside and outside the government of City B. Her people were trained by topmost people in hacking, combative fighting, sword fighting, shooting (both guns, knife, and archery), racing (both cars and motorcycle), martial arts, kungfu, and flying. She organized it to protect those people who are once bullied by the rich brats who think that they can step on to other people's lives. Her people are also once bullied by those so-called people and her people vowed to the organization that they will protect those who are in need.

All members of Black Shadow Mafia are graduates to their chosen professional fields and are also working to their chosen field of expertise. Some of them are doctors, nurses, chefs, fashion designers, and architects. They are all Dahlias' schoolmates and batchmates, and some are her classmates. Dalhia also trained all members of Black Shadow to be great singers and dancers, for they sometimes need it to their operations.

On the day that terrible things happened to her family, she remembered that she recalls the shadow guards that she assigned to her family. She wants to replace them so that they can have a break from the pressure she always puts on just to protect her family. She always thinks that "if only she didn't recall them things like this will not happen to them". but now it's too late.... too late to protect them. She will do everything in her power to seek the revenge that will be paid by a high price by the heirs and heiress of the great 5 families of the City of Alps.


City of Alps; Salvatore Residence

She will be arriving any moment now.

All servants are busy preparing for the arrival of Troy Alvarez, Kristoff Marquez, and Yumi Chan; the heiress and heirs of different companies and the most trusted friends of their young master Clarence. But they are here to accompany their little miss whom they are longing to see. Everyone is very excited to meet their little miss whom they all didn't see for 10 years.

Yumi: "Kristoff is Troy already at the airport to fetch little Dahlia?"

Kristoff: " Yes, and he also brought Jake with him to be their driver."

Yumi: "Is it safe that he brought Jake with him? Remember aside from the servants of the Salvatore's, we are the only ones knew about her existence."

Kristoff: "Don't worry, Jake was already brief by Troy and for what I have known Clarence has already informed Jake about the identity of Dahlia. it's just that, Jake only seen her pictures and not in person."

Yumi: "The last time that I've seen her was on her 10th Birthday before she leaves this Mansion to go to City B to study."

Kristoff: "Yeah, I wonder what does she looks like right now. Clarence only shows us her pictures yearly to keep us updated about her features. I wonder how beautiful our little Dahlia right now."