I will give you justice my brother…. Your little sister is back (2)

City of Alps Airport

The plane from City B has just landed; the passengers are just getting out of the plane when Troy and Jake arrive at the arrival gate, they are both holding a name tag DAHLIA.

Jake: "Young Master Troy, how will we know that Ms. Dahlia is already here? You said that the last time you've seen her was 10… 11…years ago."

Troy: "The truth…. I don't know…. I don't know, maybe through gut feeling. The last time I've talked to Clarence, he said that Dahlia is already a stunning woman, she is very beautiful but quite mysterious."

Jake: "Doesn't Young Master Clarence have a picture of her? How we will know that the beautiful woman we are talking about is right in front of us? Will, she still remembers you, Young Master?"

Before Troy could answer Jake he heard a shrieking call….. "TROY ALVAREZ!! BIG BROTHER TROY!!" it came to a beautiful, sexy, and stunning woman who wears a white shirt, faded blue denim jeans, white sneakers, black trench coat, and a black cap; she is surrounded by 3 gorgeous Greek God looking men and 2 striking Greek looking Goddess.

Troy and Jake were stupefied to see the woman in front of them; especially Troy, he didn't expect that the little girl he used to bully before was now a very striking young woman right now. Her perfect hourglass body, almond brown eyes, straight long jet black hair, heart-shaped face with heart-shaped cherry lips and tan-colored skin. "Big Brother Troy, how are you? I didn't expect that you are the one who will pick us here?" Dahlia greeted and said to him. Jake was staring at her as he was already drooling to her beauty. The 5 people that surround Dahlia chuckled to see the reaction of the two men who are assigned to pick them up to the airport.

Troy: "Dahlia!? Dahlia Louise Choi Salvatore!? Our little Dahlia?"

Dahlia: "The one and only. But I am a little anymore, big brother."

Troy: "You look so heavenly."

Dahlia giggles for Troy's statement, "I have friends with me Big brother Troy, and did you bring a huge car with you?" Jake who is still at daze with Dahlia's beauty was tap by Troy on his shoulder, "Stop drooling Jake, she is your young master's sister" Troy scolded him. Dahlia giggled and her friends laugh for Troy's statement. "Little Dahlia, you didn't mention to us that you will be bringing friends with you. And how many did you bring because I only brought one Hummer Jeep for your safety" Troy told her and look at the people behind Dahlia?

Dahlia didn't pay attention to what Troy has just said, she already predicted that her brother's friend just brought one car for she didn't mention to him that she will be bringing 5 great friends and a dozen of bodyguards. It's her fault actually, but she already took care of it with the help of her long time suitor….. Paolo Karlos Montecillo or known as PK.

Dahlia: "Rdy, did you prepare the rides for you and the rest of the gang?"

Rdy: "Yes Boss D, Mr. PK help me on that matter, don't worry about it."

Dahlia: "We can have a convoy going to the Salvatore estate at Mt. Cube, the Salvatore residence."

Sonya: "Don't worry Boss D, we already input the address of your estate to our GPS and we can easily access it."

Troy and Jake who are puzzled to the conversation of Dahlia and her friends gave them a confusing look; "Ahem! Dahlia, who are they?" Troy asks over; "Oh! I'm sorry I forgot to introduce them to you. These are my friends and bodyguards, don't worry I'll tell you more detailed information about them. Can we go now to the estate?" Dahlia replied to him. Tory nods his head and ordered Jake to get the car and they will wait for him at the exit door; while Rdy already called someone to get the other cars for them. At the entrance of the arrival gate, the black Hummer Jeep that Jake drives came and then another 8 Hummer Jeep followed, Sonya joined Dahlia on Troy's Hummer Jeep while the others boarded to the other cars with the other bodyguards that Troy didn't manage to see a while ago.

As Dahlia and Troy boarded at the passenger seats and Sonya boarded the front seat, Jake started the car and drives it to Salvatore Estate at Mt. Cube. Sonya got her Apple iPod Shuffle Space Gray and played Dahlia's favorite song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P4A1K4lXDo) as it was a daily routine for them every time they ride a car. Troy chuckled as this one discovery he just found out to his friends' little sister.

Then out of nowhere Dahlia sigh deeply, "Troy how's my brother? How's Clarence's situation right now?" she asks him; "Are the things that I've ordered to you, Kristoff and Yumi is established?"

Troy: 'Your brother is okay, Yumi and Kristoff managed to set up the two rooms in the estate to be Clarence's mini-hospital, and yes we have established all the things that you have requested and ordered. As for the servants and other employees and their families are also at the estate's living mini houses."

Dahlia: "Sonya will help you Troy in managing all business transaction and deals, I also brought an expert for Clarence's case. They will help Yumi and Kristoff, and for the living expenses of all the employees of the Salvatore…. I will take care of them."

Troy: "Dahlia, I just want to inform you that the Yeo's and the other 4 heirs of the business sector here at the Alps manage to transfer all Clarence's rights and share of stocks to their names. I can't do anything on it. They are the powerful families here, they are protected by some underground gangs. The only business that we save is the D&C Elites bar. Clarence made it sure that our names will be there as a shareholder."

Sonya: "Boss D, after we arrive at your estate I can give you all the profiles of those people."

Dahlia is looking outside the window when she is asking those questions, and the answers that she heard were clearly as a crystal that some people manage to take all the things that her parents put up. For her, the businesses that her parents put up are their greatest dream for their family, and even though there are many underground people at City of the Alps who want to become their business partners they didn't want to be tangled with them.

Troy: "I'll tell you the full details about what happened to your family Dahlia, just take a rest for a while."

Dahlia nodded and sigh deeply; "Sonya inform PK that I need him to go to the estate tonight, I will be needing him for this mission." Sonya nodded and texted PK Monticello for what Dahlia wants him to know. Troy, on the other hand, is very puzzled, for him Dahlia is very mysterious and scary; it looks like that the fragile little girl he used to know way back then is a very ferocious tiger right now.


Sonep Building; City of Alps

"What did you say?! You can't find Clarence's body at the warehouse?!" Damien Yeo shouted as he asks his people; everyone inside the conference room is so scared of the 5 heirs especially him. He is the President and CEO of Spirit Distillery, their family is famous when it comes to alcoholic beverages production.

"What about the corpses of the Salvatore Elders?" Justin Greene also asks them, "Sir, someone manage to get the urns to the columbarium at Central Cemetery last night, the one who manages that place said that there is a break-in, but they just get the urns of Mr. Clarence's Salvatore's parents" Daniel Park who is Damien Yeo's assistant reported to them.

PAK! Damien punches the table in front of them, he is very angry about what is happening right now. They manage to transfer everything that the Salvatore owns under their name without any hassle, but they didn't know that Clarence's parents will die on an accident the day they beat Clarence to death.

"Try looking at all the hospitals, morgues and cometary and even to their mansion at Pacific Plaza. Clarence might be brought there by his friends, Troy, Kristoff, and Yumi" Isaac Hernandez ordered Daniel; he knows that if Clarence is alive they will be in a bad situation. "Guys have you already made a research about Clarence's so-called sister…. I mean about his younger sister?" Isaac questioned his friends; all of them look at each other in unison….. They didn't meet Clarence's younger sister, but what they know is that the younger sister has been sent abroad to study but they never once saw her pictures when they once visit Clarence at the Salvatore Residence.

"No one knows about her identity except for the Salvatore's, even Troy, Kristoff and Yumi. They haven't met the Lady of the house…..it seems that she is an outcast in the family" said Andrew. Damien looks again to the person who was assigned to search for Clarence's body, 'Go look for Troy, Kristoff or Yumi; they might know about Clarence's whereabouts. But don't ask them about the younger sister, because even they knew who she was they will never give us information about her" he ordered.

"Damien, I'll call Nathan, we need to talk about this…. We need to find Clarence's body. Whether he is dead or alive" Andrew Mendez suggested Damien as he took his cellphone and call their other friend.


Salvatore Estate; Mt. Cube, City of Alps

The Hummer Jeeps were one by one entered the estate, as it drives in front of the main house, all the employees together with Yumi, Kristoff and Old Butler Philip whom Dahlia treats as her second father. As the Hummer Jeeps stops, the first to open where the cars behind the first one, they are all scattered in the vicinity of the estate, a very handsome young man went to the first car and opened the passenger side.

As Dahlia descends from the car, and everybody is astonished to see her, she smiled at them and said "It's so great to be back….. I will give you justice my brother…. Your little sister is back...