Dead On Spot? [2]

She kept her eyes forcefully opened.

Wu Jin remembered about the man who tried his best to help her.

But he was not human, she remembered, her memory was still functioning well.

A robot tried to help her when humans were after her life, she would never forget this favor if she remained serene or her memories did not wash away, she would definitely remember and return the favor.

She decided in her heart.

It was unfortunate for her.

Or she should immediately shift her heart thoughts in her mind because today they will replace her heart too.

'It is said that heart keep the record of emotional decisions that she might forget because of artificial implantation of her heart'

She looked at the ceiling of the room.

"Would I die?" she asked to herself.

The question itself was burdensome that a line of drop slipped from the corner of her eyes.

"I should not die," she told herself.

"I have a long life ahead, I should go attend school, should buy wonderful clothing that fit a teen's taste, I should not die, I should get recognition of big university and become some CEO or a pilot at aviation, doctor? No doctors are selfish and inhumane, what about university professor, no they wear glasses, then engineer? Yes, it seemed better choice," she was self-talking.

This self-talking gave her determination to live and see life and witness the world.

And it keep her will alive.

The team of the doctors entered the room.

They knew she was awake.

The senior one checked her condition.

There was slight difference in the inner functions now, it was because of the implantation of new organs, these organs were trying best to liaise and band with the other functions.

They gave her one week rest before the heart surgery.

Her parents got the certificate and the body of their daughter, her father was shocked, he was not ready to admit it.

"What else you hope other than a death certificate, she was with no hope to recover, now you wanted to go and ask doctors about her reports and waste your as well as their precious time," her step mother argued with her husband.

"But she was my daughter, I need to know how she died, what caused her death?" he was regretting to not visit his daughter in previous days.

"Now it is over and you should not blame yourself," she was relieved to see the certificate.

The money that was being wasted on her step daughter can be saved now.

She could reserve this money for her daughter.

"I am not a responsible father," her father slammed on the sofa, stood up and left the house.

He don't want to hear his wife saying that everything was expected.

He went straight to the hospital.

He asked for the appointment.

The receptionist declined his request as soon as she asked the name of the doctor.

She told that he was busy and that there was no appointment available for next whole week.

Han was puzzled.

He slowly walked and not left immediately.

He spotted the doctor and rushed to ask him how his doctor died.

The doctor saw the man walking toward him.

He called the inner security and told them to throw Han out of the hospital.

Before he could reach the doctor, guards stopped him and forcefully brought out of the hospital and warned to never come again.

"Gave her 3H7 dose," he intentionally changed the name of the original dose and spoke.

The assistant heard and got stunned, it was dangerous dose.

"What? The surgery will continue for long, do you want her to wake up in the middle of operation?" The doctor spoke unhappy.

He was bit exaggerating.

She has gone through a number of surgeries already.

She was on the brink of death.

He only saw her running pulse and waking eyes and thought that she was all fine.

He did not see her falling spirits, her endless suffering, her pain, her tears.

She knew if one more surgery was done on her, she would not be able to sustain long.

The dose got effects and her pupils got heavy.

Suddenly her eyes widened, she don't want to die, she shifted every memory and emotion from her heart to her brain.

She vehemently ordered her brain to keep record of these faces who were standing around her.

If she survived, she would kill them all.

Her pupils closed and doctors heaved a sigh.

"Did you see the last glint of light in her eyes?" an assistant asked the other.

"You are seeing things these days because of pressure from the seniors and work," the lady assistant spoke.

The doctor was right.

After two hours, the surgery was still going on.

Few assistant were given responsibility to keep eyes of her pulse and other beats of inner functions.

Suddenly someone shouted, "Her pulse is falling,"

"Shut up, its rhythm is interrupted due to next step surgery, don't forget we are doing heart implant,"

The assistant went silent.

Another hour passed.

The doctor felt something off.

The regular over all functioning showed a warning sign.

The attached machines were showing digits that were bringing sweat on their foreheads.

The situation turned alarming.

They applied every method but the situation kept worsening.

"The doctors shook their heads.

The surgery moved to the final step.

They completed the surgery.

They cannot stop it in the middle.

They don't want to waste their efforts.

They increased the oxygen pressure to test.

But it was of no help.

The pulse fell below the last warning threshold.

The doctors kept waiting for half an hour but it did not improve.

There was no signs of further improvement.

The doctors wrote down few medicines for the fast recovery of her stiches.

They thought that she might recover her pulse slowly.

Three days went by.

The medicine was dangerous for her, especially when she has already gone through many surgeries in short amount of time.

And they were using medicinal liquids to feed her.

It greatly infected her newly implanted organs.

Her special recovery genes and cells went numb and the present medicine brought severe changes in the normal flow.

The organs turned stiff for any help.

Every passing day was one step closer to the death.

The doctors visited again one week later.

They though one was week was enough for her recovery and she would wake as usual but she was still unconscious.

The senior doctor checked her condition, he was frustrated to see her stillness.

"Wake up, I spent whole seven years on your case," he slapped on her thin face.

Her sensory impulses caught this voice and her numb brain jolted.

But her apparent condition remained the same.

In this previous week, whole structure of the blood formation changed, her veins slightly turned light yellow.

The other doctor consoled his colleague.

They saw her pulse turn suddenly neutral, there was no more pulse.

"There is no hope, you see she died in front of us, Let's send someone to remove her body from the lab,"

The other doctor patted his friend.

"Throw her body in the gutter, she is useless for us," the doctors furiously left the lab room.

Her brain was awake, Wu Jin don't know that machines were showing her neutral pulse, she heard the words of the doctor.

It was true her pulse was neutral and if she wanted to wake up she can't.

Just that she was at the brink of last breaths and her mind was still awake. The oxygen supply stopped because the patient was unable to take any breath.

She struggled to force oxygen in her lungs.

If the doctor has stayed few more minutes and gave little pressing on her chest, she might be able to come back from the struggle of life and death.

There were few wires around her hand, she clutched and tried to free herself, her nail cut the small wire and short amount of current traveled through her body.

Because of inner changes, the current was like needles pinching, as soon as her organs reversed the action, the current flow jolted her awake brain and she fell from surgery table.