"That Girl"

She was being dragged again but there was difference, a great difference, the first time when the guard dragged her, she was screaming and shedding tears and crying for help.

Hoping that this human guard could suddenly pity on her or he felt sympathy for her but she was wrong, the guard was human but without any human characteristics.

The same guard fastened her on the lab stature.

He did not took pity on her and now this man was dragging her.

But the difference was there, she was not screaming, nor asking someone to help her.

She looked at the man with blank eyes.

She wanted to pity this man but she was without emotion to show it openly for his sake.

The thick liquid running in her impulse refused, and she stopped there like a stubborn child.

The man was shocked, he tried his best but he could not drag her further.

"What, you are unable to drag me further?" she scorned.

The man looked at her impassive face and shuddered.

"Who are you?" he asked baffled.

He took her some apparition if not how could a small girl end up in the streets in the late night?

"Do you want me to kill you?" she asked.

He immediately shook his head, he was terrified now.

"If you want me to leave you then run as much as you can," she remembered she wanted to run badly but she could not.

Wu Jin don't want to bite another neck, dirty neck that dirtied her mouth.

The man found this chance, he ran madly before the apparition could change her mind, he even forget to help his friend.

Wu Jin came out of the cottage and started walking on the highway.

She thought to find her home without asking anyone.

A black car drove past her closely.

It stopped on some distance.

"Why did you stop the car?" Rang Gue asked Zen.

"That girl" Zen answered.

Zen was able to identify her because when she was being dragged and it was standing motionless and helpless, her side image was being saved in its data.

"Again that girl?" Rang Gue clutched his hair.

Zen drove back the car and stopped beside her.

"You are still on the street?" Zen asked.

Wu Jin turned and saw the man.

There was no warmth in her eyes but as soon as she recognized her saved memory, she spoke, "Mr. Zen"

"Yes, it's me…"

"Girl, don't you have your home to be remain safe, why you keep wandering, last time you created trouble for Zen," Rang Gue spoke before Zen could complete his sentence.

"No one ever wish to get in trouble, I am looking for my home,"

"Rang Gue, please be polite, she is only a small girl," Zen requested his designer.

"Okay, okay…I taught you humanity, I know now…little girl, do you want me send you, your home?" Rang Gue asked Wu Jin.

She looked at Zen and then at Rang Gue.

She met two men before and they were not good, she has complete trust on Zen but she has no trust on this second man.

"Promise me you won't try to tear off my shirt," she don't know how long she has to walk to reach her home.

If Zen wanted to help her, she would trust him that he will definitely send her to her home safely.

Rang Gue blinked his eyes, he was speechless, Zen looked at his designer.

Rang Gue never thought that one day, he would need to justify his spirituality and clean thoughts and that his own created robot would look at him with questioning eyes.

"I… I am engaged and my fiancé is beautiful and I love her…" he looked on the ground to think a way how he should justify, after all, he faced such situation for the first time in front of two, and one was a robot, second was a small girl.

He took deep breath.

"If I happened to get married early, I must have had a daughter at the same as you that means you are like my daughter," he spoke with confident.

Zen opened the back door of the car and Wu Jin sat in it, saying, "But you are not my father,"

She has saved memory of her father.

'How can this medium sized and chubby with glasses on his face be her father?'

Her father runs a business, though he was not insanely rich but they belonged to better class.

And his upbringing and stature was more refined, he looked handsome and tall not chubby and small.

Wu Jin inherited the same genes and was tall unlike other girl of same age.

Rang Gue thanked ancestors that little girl trusted him now.

Zen got silent, it was curious because it could not feel running pulse when her hand brushed past his hand full of sensory segments on various parts.

She was not behaving normal, there was something wrong with her.

After two hours' drive, they entered the metropolitan.

"So, little girl, where is your home?" Rang Gue turned to ask her.

She heard and tried to remember where her home was but she could find any saved memory.

"Zen, I forgot my home," she looked at Zen for help.

Zen looked at his designer.

Rang Gue sighed.

"We can find from the metropolis record office, tell me your father name," he typed on the application manual and searched.

It was in the third district.

It was easier to find because her father runs successful business.

They stopped at a small shop to buy some snacks.

Rang Gue was dying to eat something after long journey in the car.

Zen was robot, he don't need food but what was with this girl, she even did not ask for some water.

"Here take it, and eat, you must be hungry little girl," he handed a small fries pack to her.

She opened the pack and started eating while copying Rang Gue.

They set for the journey again.

After half an hour, Rang Gue turned to ask whether she was fine and he saw her paled pace and convulsing on the back seat.

"Stop the car Zen," he yelled.

Zen was focused on the busy road, it don't function multitask.