New Identity

"I am not coming today, cancel all my appointments," Gao Zuo called his secretary.

He was worried that if his daughter played around with the same appearance, she might bring trouble for herself.

He ordered online a wide variety of clothing for her.

In his eyes, her clothing will also help her new identity.

Wu Jin was like her mother, very moderate.

Her step mother saw her husband ordering extravagant and expensive clothing.

She got extreme desperate to see this.

"What, you never bought me clothing of this brand," she asked angrily.

"I will soon, we will both go and shop, is that okay?" he gently spoke.

He was not a bit of surprised about her reaction, it was natural in his eyes.

He looked at Wu Jin and noticed her silence.

He thought to bring her out and let her experience the world and change her habits too.

Wu Jin has long hair.

He was thinking to cut them short with a modern style.

But he was to wait for an hour because the clothing he ordered was reaching in one hour.

"Wu Jin, you should go and wash your face, we will be going out," he sat beside his daughter and politely said.

She seemed as if she was not listening only looking at him, "Father"

She kept looking at her father as if she met him after a decade.

Gao Zuo was noticing her silence and her behavior, he saw her empty eyes and felt that he has seen through the suffering she go through in the previous whole month.

He felt that his heart would stop with the regret.

He clutched his daughter in his embrace to tell her that she was safe here and no one can ever hurt her anymore.

Wu Jin was resting her head and hearing a stable heartbeat, she wondered, she tried to hear this beat with her ear and a tear drop fell on her left cheeks.

She thought that water was falling from sky, she looked up but she could not see the black sky of night, her eyes fell on her father's face.

Gao Zuo was sorry for her present state, his eyes were wet.

Wu Jin extended her hand and touched his cheeks those were wet.


"My daughter, I will try my best to give you safe life from now on," he cupped her face in his strong hands.

Wu Jin heard her father and she was curious about the word he spoke, "Life?" she looked at him as if questioning.

"Yes, life where you can have good care, and schooling and there you will find some good friends, you can play around, father will bring you on diner with your mother and little sister so that you could taste as many dishes as you want," he affectionately held her chin and make her face notion like him, nodding head in yes gesture.

"Life, school, friends, play, little sister, dishes" she muttered all those words that were not present in her memory before.

The clothing he ordered before came at right time.

He chose a dress for her and gave to her, "Go in your room and change in this dress," he said.

The dress was modern shirt and a skin fit, it was completely different from the dressing of Wu Jin in previous years.

Wu Jin looked at the clothing and kept staring.

Her father looked at her step mother, she shook her head and stood up, she grabbed Wu Jin from her hand and left the living room.

'To think that I said that I won't take her responsibility then what I am doing now?' she was helping Wu Jin to wash up her face and wear the dress and scolding on her mistakes.

She has to do these small things either her husband would not be this caring toward her anymore, after all she needed expensive dresses, cosmetics and how can she forget about the new car, if he got angry at her then he won't buy new car for her.

Wu Jin blinked several times to keep these memories so that if her father say her to change, she could change herself not disturbing mother.

She noticed the behavior of her mother and could tell that she was not happy about this.

Soon, they were heading toward a busy salon.

Gao Zuo was confused what kind of style he should order for his daughter.

"What kind of style you wish to have," the attendant asked Wu Jin.

Wu Jin looked back at her father and said, "Father"

The attendant heard and left speechless.

That means the girl wanted to cut her long hair and style like her father short and manly hairstyle.

"Ahem, can you show me a magazine to take me look?" Gao Zuo excused.

He searched through different modern styles for hair.

"Um, make it bob with bangs and slightly wavy and make sure the hair length trim short too," he suggested a mixture of styles.

He was not some expert, he only wanted to give his daughter a new look.

The girl nodded and picked scissors and tools.

Wu Jin heard her father and remembered the words he spoke.

Gao Zuo sat on the comfortable sofa.

He has some premonition and noticed, Wu Jin was silent all the time, she did not complain him, she did not talked about how she escaped, he shook his head, this was all secondary in his eyes, she escaped from cruel hands, it was all he cared.

He thought to send her school after a week so that she could forget her previous days and feel better. He would also change her school not the one where Wu Jin used to study before.

If someone said that his twin daughter resembled greatly with Wu Jin who died a month ago, he would excuse that 'twins usually does resemble, isn't it?

They returned back home.

Her step mother has told her daughter that they won't be getting rid the daughter of previous woman soon.

She also told her that her father would send her in different school.

She came running hurriedly to talk her father, "Father, this is not fair, how can you decide that sister will attend a different school? I will be left there all alone," she crossed her arms.

She has new plans for her sister awaiting in the school, she wanted to throw all her anger at her big sister if possible.

Gao Zuo was forced by his first wife, she was not well and she requested him to remarry before she die so that Wu Jin don't suffer lonely life.

His second daughter was fifteen years old, only one year younger than Wu Jin.

He shifted the new wife in this house when his first wife died and Wu Jin was four years old.

Now Wu Jin and his younger daughter was in the same class because Wu Jin lost a year because of her illness.