My Friend Can Teach Me

"I am not afraid," she shook her head.

Others were quite surprised, they praised her for her courage.

She looked outside but the car that was following was nowhere.

The senior also noticed and creased his brows but before he could express, the van stopped with creaking breaks.

A car came in front of the van and the driver has to use breaks to avoid accident.

Four people came out of the car, they were wearing black overall and they seemed to spend extra time in the gym.

The senior got off from the van and Wu Lan followed behind.

They entered the area where they were supposed to deliver ration and if they called for police help, it would at least take half an hour to reach there.

"Why are you guys troubling around?" the senior asked.

"Just give us password and we'll leave," one of them spoke crudely, they were standing in front of the van not ready to budge an inch.

"Go to hell with damn password," the senior spite out, he was frustrated already.

Wu Lan saw the usually serene and polite senior getting angry, she stepped ahead.

She reached the man who was standing ahead of other three, "There is only one password, go to hell," she repeated what senior spoke just now.

"Little girl, stay away from the mess," he snapped his finger in front of her and she immediately grabbed his finger and twisted opposite.

She pressed the small device that Zen gave her for emergency contact.

The team of volunteers saw this and gasped, they rushed to save the girl, they were worried if the man acted, it would be bad for her.

The man screamed with the pain but was able to shove her forcefully.

The senior rushed to punch the man but he kicked him and he fell back, Wu Lan stood up and ran toward the man who kicked the senior.

Her mad running and more of that toward the strong enemy brought a sense of danger in the hearts of volunteer team, they were not working in some security or police to have learned some strong defense to face such situation, they were ordinary being with kind and thoughtful hearts.

"Wu Lan, don't go there, you won't be able to fight with them," the senior voiced from behind.

"Don't worry senior, my friend can teach me," she answered and Zen heard through the device.

Now it was time for Zen to get puzzled.

"What fight, what are you talking?" he asked, Zen seemed to get used to her habit to go and look for troubles in future.

It was only worried what kind of trouble was this time again?

"I am facing four enemies, tell me how I should get rid of them?" she asked plainly as if asking her boyfriend which color of frock would suite her for the theme party.

Zen heard and was left speechless, "Screw them..." it answered shortly after, what kind of help he could render her if she was surrounded with enemies and who knows where she was at this time? So he just used a pushing tone and a human word to further tell her that she should tackle this problem else...

"You are always this helpful," she answered serene.

The volunteer staff was listening carefully and they were confused how can one teach how she should fight with bulky men, just from phone?

Through this small conversation, she was already closing the distance, the man was ready this time to hit her hard.

He took his position but she suddenly stopped, "If you bring me to the one who sent you here, I will let you go," she spoke.

"Let us go?" the man was bewildered to hear, just how much this little girl can wail and shout for help, to think she was trying to threaten them?

"Yes, I don't want to dirty my hands," she plainly answered.

It was not that she was not ready to follow the teaching of Zen but she was eager to reach the man whose image was engraved in her head.

"You are insulting us intentionally or mocking for fun?" the man gnashed his teeth.

Wu Lan shook her head though she wanted him to explain these two words, 'insulting, fun' but his tone was little off for her to ask.

He gestured his other men and they rushed forward to abduct senior of the team of volunteers.

He himself went to slap the girl who was wasting his time with her trash talk.

She slightly bent and gave a direct hit on his ribs, it was not that man came leisurely walking and stood in front of her to get beating but her movement was too fast for him to actually understand what happened just now.

Without taking another look on the man, she ran toward the senior, the three men were dragging him toward the car, she took a leap and gave a light punch on the neck back of the man, the others two took the girl seriously and fought back.

The volunteer team gasped cold breaths, a volunteer who was feeling light headed after witnessing this asked, "What did your friend teach you little girl?"

He wanted to know this secret art of defense that can be learn in this short time before he lost consciousness on the spot.

"Simple...screw them," she answered while fighting both men.

The junior volunteer fell unconscious when he heard.