Even If It Is A Lie

"Why do they keep coming?" Zen looked at Wu Lan and she shrugged her shoulders.

If they were normal and sane, they should not be looking for her but it seemed they were confident that they could admit her back in the hospital and tell her father that she was sick and needed to be treated.

"You should learn some moves to protect yourself in future," it showed her few moves and she copied.

"I am going back, it's late already," Wu Lan left in hurry, it was true senior volunteer and his team was waiting for her, they were going on a serious task.

The weather was still cloudy and it seemed little gloomy and dull, there was less traffic on roads, few who were assigned something or have emergency could be seen wearing masks, it was double protection from the cold and the disease.

"We are going to volunteer in the near district and perhaps we will stay there for a week," the senior volunteer told about tommorow task.