Broken Arm

"F*k, are you blind?" the man who got hit with the rod yelled.

Wu Lan threw the man at the one who tried to hit her with the rod, her embrace has given her upper hand but it pressing matter how to handle three and safe the fellow volunteer.

The woman was scared much.

"Let her go," Wu Lan glared the man who was on mission to stop the woman from shouting.

"I will let her go if you come with us without storming your ways," the man put a bet immediately.

The woman was thinking whether this girl knew who these men were and why they were here?

"I don't know who you are and why are here but I will go with you if you let her go safely," Wu Lan gave answer and it solved the confusion of the woman, now she knew this don't know who these men were but she was ready to take risk for her.

"I will let her go, keep in mind don't try to behave smart, we are not just three," the man warned and loosened his grip on the woman.