The President Is Visiting District (part 2)

The van and the car were still chasing behind.

Zen could easily track the streets which he was moving in or leaving out because of his data.

It took a sharp turn because this street was locked and the next one cannot be considered better choice as well.

The people chasing behind were not familiar with these streets and they ended up blocked by the strict security.

This security was for the president and they have shut down many normal paths too for the sake of safety.

"What are you doing here?" the soldier on duty asked the car driver, the driver was wearing precautionary outfit so he cannot be questioned.

"We are among the team of volunteers, we lost our way because we were sent from nearby district," the driver replied.

When they went to abduct Wu Lan, they wore the medical equipment and stuff and hopefully they did not change into normal while they focused how to capture her alive.