Follow The Voice

Follow The Voice

The door of the scanning room opened with a bang and Boqi entered with his men, he furiously leapt and stopped her, she was really destroying the property of the lab.

If this went on, his boss would go insane with the anger.

Wu Lan stopped moving seeing these familiar people, it seemed they were working for that man and they were at his beck and call, taken into consideration her real enemy was the man whose voice was saved in her memory and who ordered these men to capture and few minutes ago they brought her in this white washed room with his orders.

That means she should not mess with these men and instead focus on that voice.

She did not struggle, Boqi held and fastened her hand with the rope, second man was standing ready to punch in her stomach as soon as she struggled or tried to resist but he kept waiting and Wu Lan let Boqi fasten her hand with ease without much ado.