Tell Him Truth

Tell Him Truth

Wu Lan sent a text that she was coming to see him.

A half broken robot with the human face was barely supporting against the chair and dusting the unscrewed parts, today it was free and there was no task in urgent, the daily routine tasks were already done so it was free to dust out its own body. 

A device beeped and it received the text, Zen jolted as soon as it read the text, it looked at the disjoint parts and hastily started to screw them together.

'This girl was always in hurry' it shook. 

After ten minutes there was roaster bell at the door and the designer of this robot has to go instead because it was still working on the parts, most of all, the hair was not combed. 

The designer casted cold look at this excuse. 

"You better keep your private life to yourself," he warned and went to open the door.