
It was Monday morning, the heckled weekend has cause so much trouble for me today. I woke this morning to Lillian confused on what to wear to prom, and all these girls commenting on my page about Nina.

I have no clue on what to comment back. I'm not a home wrecker, nor do I have any fashion sense. Not to mention captain try outs are starting up again, and it seems this year I have competition. Kholè. She is trying out to be senior captain and I'm scared I actually might lose this year or worst, get the position and lose a friend.

I drove to school with a normal outfit, nothing flashy or dull. As soon as I pulled up to school I see Remy rushing to me. I parked my car and and slowly got out, closing the door behind me. Remy suddenly grasps me into his embrace, hugging me, pushing my head closer to the nape of his neck.

I push away, feeling pissed!

"Dude what's your problem?!"

"What do you mean I just want to hug my girlfriend."

"Remy, what the actual frick! Why are you being like this? I am not your girlfriend!"

" Lana please, Nina broke up with me because she thought I was cheating on her with you, so I'm giving her what she wants, me and you together."

" tch" I have my head hanging low. " So that's what this is about. Its about Nina, of course. How silly of me to think you were doing this because you want to."

"Lana what do you mean" his voice which was angered and pissed has become soft and concerned.

"Have you ever thought about how the way you treat me, and how it makes me feel used!" I burst out sobbing

Hands down he was worried for me, trying to calm me down in the only way he know how to. By hugging me with all his might. Pulling me in, as I push away. Banging my hands on his chest to let go, bawling my eyes out.

He starts soothing me with his voice, calmly hushing me. As my hard fist, soften. My punching and scratching calm down. Now I'm crying into his chest hugging him back.

Why am I even crying? Why am I here with him? Why do I feel better? Ugh, I'm so hungry after all that crying!

I slowly push away from him, not daring to make eye contact. I sigh and shake my head.

"We broke up."

I turn my head to look at him. His head hanging as low as my shoulders. I reach for his face, picking it up taking a better look at his face. I instinctively caress his face. I rub the pad of my thumb from the crease of his nose to the sharp side of his cheek bones.

"I'm so sorry Remy..."

"It's not your fault Lana"

"No, no I'm sorry for hitting you, yelling, and scratching"

"Lana, don't sweat it, I care for you. I just want you to be happy, truly"

"Thank you Remy. I feel bad for what happened between you and Nina."

" It's not your fault, she claims it's her, her job, and her future. She told me she wants to date someone more serious."

" so the opposite of you"

"Lana~" he pouts

"Okay I'm sorry, she doesn't know what she's missing out on"

" do you think she's missing out?"


We stood there look eye to eye at each other. As time moved faster, and all was left was me and him standing there in silence. Admiring every inch of his perfection. Gazing into his chocolate eyes, as they sparkle like no one's business. I'm left speechless,remembering why I fell for him the first time.

Suddenly the school bell rang. I blink rapidly, making my dry eyes, glossy. Remy just chuckles at me. Amused by my silliness. He decided he wanted to walk me to class, knowing that his class is on the other side of campus. I tried telling him to go to class but he refused to.  He walked with me to class hand in hand. Once I got to class he turned around and sprinted the other way. I laughed.

As I go to my to classes of the morning, break time appears. I was happy, cheesy and all types of warm and fuzzies. I get out of my math class and walked to the open benches, where my friends and I always meet. But someone beat me to it. Remy was already standing there with my friends laughing and chatting. I walk up to the bench and wave at him.

He stands up and gave me a hug, and all my friends give me a sly look. I hug him back burying my head into his neck.

" let's go sit with my friends" he grabbed onto my hands softly swinging them side to side.

" I don't know Remy, there going to think we're dating" I said sadly and kinda scared.

" well do you want to be my girlfriend?"