
Knock knock knock

The door opens, creaking slightly.

"Rise and shine beautiful" a sudden smile appears on my face

I take the blanket and cover my head not wanting to get out of bed.

"Oh so you're not getting up, fine ill join you."

"umph, Remy get off me you're so heavy"

"too late, I told you to get up, but you didn't so these are the repercussions"

"Come on Remy" I playful hit him

"'re so warm...I'm always so warm when I'm around you."

"Remy..." I pull him in closer lips inches apart, our breaths matching speeds.

Remy staring at my lips, and he fills the space between us and kisses me.

I wrapped my arms around the nape of his neck and pulled him closer, so close you can't tell who's legs belong to who. I part my lips, licking his bottom lip, as if asking for entrance. He grants me to enter and we start a battle of the tongues, both fighting for dominance.

After 3 minutes of not breathing we finally separated. I looked into his eyes seeing myself, fuck I'm so totally in love.

He flips us over so I'm resting on his chest. I can hear his heart beating. I pull the blanket over our bodies. He pulls my in closer. Our legs intertwined and warmth filled each other.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked

"Well I told Mari to have everything brought to my house so everything is ready for tomorrow."

"I'm so excited Remy!"

"I am too, I can't wait to dance with you all night long."

"Remy you're so cheesy"

"I just want to see you smile."

"Remy stop" I giggle at how silly he is

"Lana, get ready. I want you to meet my parents, since you haven't met them."

"Ummm okay, I'm going to take a shower...go to my closet and pick some clothes out."

" I'll be waiting for you"

I entered the bathroom and undress myself. I looked at my naked self and smile for the first time. A week ago I would sob looking at myself. Man I've really changed...

Knock knock knock

"Lana can you hear me?"

"Yeah I can hear you just fine" I walk into the shower

"Okay I'm going through your closet right now...Lana, I didn't know you wear this type of person, remind me to ask you to wear this for me"


"Okay okay I will find something my parents would enjoy seeing you in"


"Lana I'm kidding. They don't care what you wear, like I dated Nina for god sake"

" Remy..."

"Oh I'm sorry..."

" No Remy, I meant can you close the closet door I'm coming out in only a towel."

" I don't mind"

"I'm going to kick your ass"

"Ooh kinky"

"What? No, Remy I swear to Buddha"

" Okay, okay fine I'll close the door"

I open the door to see my room empty... I sigh in relief. Wait my room is empty... no CLOTHES in sight.I run to my closet door and trying to open the door. It's lock from the inside. Fuck!

" Remy open this door!"

"Nope, not unless you let me cuddle and kiss you for a whole 20 minutes all to myself"

" Remy...I'm your girlfriend"

" So? It's all about consent baby"

"Okay, fine but not today I have to meet your parents  tonight"


He opens the door and pecks my lips.

" What happened to consent?"

"Lana, sometimes kissing has to be natural, it's in my human nature sweetheart"

I kissed him on his lips and he kisses me back. I put space between us and said "later, I have to get ready right now."

"You're such a tease"

"I'm your tease though" I wink at him. He takes a minute and scans my body as I just realize I'm only in a towel.

"Remy eyes up here" I wiggle my finger suggesting to look up.

I can see the lust in his eyes, and I can not deny how incredibly sexy that is.

I sit him to the corner chair in my room and walk into the closet, to change in peace.

I wear the white blouse Remy picked along with the black tights and coat. I walk out of the closet fully dress with black boot heels.  I see Remy on his phone chuckling to himself as he types away. He really can't see me can he?

I walk over to him siting on lap and he drops his phone and embraces me. Carrying me over to the bed and laying me down. He kisses my neck, licking and biting, leaving his mark under my shirt. I try my hardest not to moan in pleasure and I succeed.

"That's for being a tease"

I shake my head and take his hand signaling we should go.

We run into my mom and she walks past us to say.      " have fun, and don't rape him"

My face drops. Me? Rape him? Yeah okay!

Remy chuckles ask he grabs his keys and we walk to the car.