"How was I supposed to know why you chose Black actors!" Adrian muttered to himself after Michael Bay and Jerry Bruckheimer had left. But what he felt most at the moment was a thrill of having everything in the bag.
Whether it was Michael Bay, known for explosive scenes and often criticized by film critics for only having explosions in his movies, or Jerry Bruckheimer, who held the title of Gold Medal Producer, they were both still newbies in the film industry.
Oh, except for Bruckheimer, he had already produced several movies with Don Simpson, and although they were mostly credited to Simpson's success, he had indeed accumulated some fame and learned quite a lot, laying a solid foundation for his future reputation. Michael Bay, however, was as new as they come. Although the music videos and commercials he shot had good reputations, he had not yet had the opportunity to direct a movie, even though his uncle was a high executive at Universal.