The girl softly sneezed and instinctively brushed the hair away from her nose before slightly opening her eyes. Sunlight streamed in from the balcony, and a gentle breeze stirred the curtains, carrying the sound of birdsong. It was a beautiful morning. She yawned and scratched her head, thinking about shifting positions to continue sleeping a little longer, but suddenly noticed something was off.
What was off? It was morning, she was hugging the blanket around her, wearing no clothes, and she had woken up in Ed's room... No clothes?! Woken up in Ed's room?!
"Damn it!" Charlize cursed under her breath, her expression turning sour.
"Ah, you're awake, Charli, good morning." Adrian's voice came from the doorway, and Charlize immediately turned to look. He was dressed in pajamas, holding a tray with some snacks and two cups of coffee.
"Would you like some breakfast?" He smiled as he walked over and placed the tray on the nightstand.