"Dear, I'm sorry to tell you, but I have to go back," Adrian's sudden voice pulled Kate out of her memories. "Charli called and is very unhappy with my three-day silence."
"Who is Charli?" Kate looked at him, with a somewhat unfriendly expression. "It sounds like a girl's name."
"Charli is my secretary and assistant, full name Charlize Theron," Adrian said with a smile as he hugged her. "Remember the girl I mentioned to you, the one I met in New York years ago? That's Charli."
"So you're saying that you met her years ago in New York, said a few encouraging words; years later, she came to Los Angeles and became your secretary and assistant. Is that what you mean, Ed?" Kate asked, staring at him.
"It seems unbelievable, but it really happened, life is sometimes more dramatic than movies," Adrian said, kissing her on the head. "Alright, enough about that, I really have to go back."
"Since when can a secretary and assistant give orders to the boss?" Kate's eyes narrowed.