Chapter 4

Li Xiu Ying, Li Na and Li Jie, followed the Captain into the throne room to meet the Emperor. "Your Majesty, I have brought the girl and her contractual spirits," he announced. All four of them bowed to Zheng Wei Jian, "Your Majesty."

"Dismissed," Zheng Wei Jian ordered the Captain. Zheng Wei Jian stoods up and walked to Li Xiu Ying and spoke softly, "Miss Li, may you follow me? I have something that may belong to you." He walked out of the throne room towards the study. Li Xiu Ying, Li Na and Li Jie followed behind Zheng Wei Jian. "I feel your eyes on my back Miss Li. You have a question, but you must wait until we are in the study before you can ask your question," he whispered, "It is not safe out here."

They walked until they were in front of the grand doors of the Imperial Study. "Miss Li we are here, come in," he said as he opened the doors. Li Xiu Ying followed in and sat at the chair opposite the Emperor's, Li Na and Li Jie stood to the side next to the walls.

Li Xiu Ying glanced between Li Na and Li Jie before saying, "Li Jie make sure there is no one that can hear our conversation. Li Na please make some tea."

"Yes Princess," they answered in unison. Li Jie walked out of the room and sat on the ground. He started to float as he let his spiritual power out to block the sound from within the room. Li Na started to make the tea, once she was finished she placed it on the table in front of Li Xiu Ying. "Princess, I will wait outside as well."

As the door to the study closed, with the scroll in hand, Zheng Wei Jian turned to her, "Princess?"

Li Xiu Ying sighed, "I will tell you when I trust you. Now what is it you want to show me?"

Zheng Wei Jian sat in the Emperor's seat and laid the scroll on the table in front of Li Xiu Ying. "Miss Li, this is what I wanted to show you. You may open it." She pick up the scroll and looked at the broken seal.

"How," her voice trembled. She carefully opened the scroll, "It can't be. No this is impossible. Li Na! Li Jie," she called in excitement. Quickly Li Jie and Li Na flew into the room.

"Princess," they anxiously called out. Li Na looked at Li Xiu Ying's hand and saw the scroll, "Princess, could this be? It is, it is the cure for your poison," Li Na exclaimed excitedly. Li Jie was in shock, but he still managed to pop Li Na's head, "Li Na there is an outsider here." Li Na looked at LI Xiu Ying in apology, "Princess," she quietly called.

"It is fine, Li Na, Li Jie. Take this scroll and prepare the medicine," Li Xiu Ying shakedly spoke. Zheng Wei Jian quietly watched their interaction on the side, when he heard the word poison he felt uncomfortable but he did not know why. He stood up to close the door from where they left excitedly.

"You were poisoned," he asked quietly.

"Yes," Li Xiu Ying regained her composure. "It was a long time ago. Thank you for returning the scroll. May I ask, why did you do this?"

Zheng Wei Jian stood for a moment thinking before he sat down, "I have a feeling that you and I have something in common, we are looking for the same person."

Li Xiu Ying thought before replying, "You have met him haven't you? Wang Li Jun?"

"Yes. He came here and brought up this empire. He remained in the background as our empire became stronger, but it has been ten years since he left. Before he left he murdered my father. I want to find him and kill him," as he spoke he observed her reaction.

"I see, well I hate to be the one to tell you, you cannot kill him once you capture him. I will have to take him back to my tribe. He will die by my hands. You wanted to know about me? I am the Princess of the lost Chrysanthemum tribe, I have been alive for three-hundred and fifty years. When I was fifty years old Wang Li Jun killed my father. No one has been able to find my home and no one will. I will personally find him and kill him in front of the whole tribe to remind them, if they want to kill royalty then they must die," spoke Li Wei Ying in a solemn voice.

Zheng Wei Ying was quiet for a moment, "You haven't spoke about why you were poisoned."

"Do you really want to know," questioned Li Xiu Ying, "I am the last born in the entire tribe. The Great Shaman predicted that I was going to be more powerful than my father, who at the time was the strongest in our tribe. Wang Li Jun thought that would destroy his plan of obtaining the throne, so he poisoned me when I was born. Father found out after having suspicions of him after fifty years. This poison does not kill me but it hurts me when I gain more spiritual power, lately I have been stuck in late stage Heavenly Boundary." She sat there thinking, "Your Majesty, I must go back, I believe that the medicine should be ready. Oh, may you remove the guards, they may get hurt."

Zheng Wei Jian, tried to process the information that she poured out to him. "Yes, I understand," he quietly spoke. He watched as Li Xiu Ying bowed to him and walked out of the door.