Slaying Strange Beasts and Acquiring the Marrow Cleansing Fruit

This leopard was extremely quick, but the porcupine's reactions were not slow either. It chose to maintain the status quo, countering the leopard's motion with its own stillness.

At the moment that the leopard lunged forward to attack, the porcupine released the quills on its body.

Like a rain of arrows that blocked out the sky, the quills shot out at the leopard in mid-air.

It was a very frightening sight, as Lu Xuan knew of strong mutated porcupines in his past life, which had quills that could be shot out like missiles and even explode. Those were porcupines that had undergone a very thorough mutation.

This porcupine could be said to be very, very powerful.

However, the leopard was no pushover. Under normal circumstances, there was no way the wildcat would be able to avoid the storm of spiny arrows, yet the leopard actually roared out loud, spitting out a gust of wind from its mouth and blowing away the quills.