Full Body Transformation

Still, Lu Xuan did not depart straight away, instead uprooting the small tree, and placing the whole thing into the small backpack he was carrying.

It was fortunate that the Marrow Cleansing Fruit tree was not yet fully grown and was currently still a small sapling. Compared to the giant tree Lu Xuan had seen in later years, it was a big difference in size.

Having done all this, Lu Xuan finally strode forward, making his way swiftly down the mountain.

Early on the next day, Lu Xuan had already found his way back home.

In his house, aside from his parents and his younger sister Lu Guoguo, a young girl, who looked to be 15 or 16 years old, was gorging herself heartily.

The young girl somewhat resembled Liu Wanrong. She had long black hair draped over her shoulders and was brimming with youth.

This was Lu Xuan's other younger sister, Lu Shanshan.

"Big brother, big sister is bullying me!"