The Xia City Agency of Special Affairs Chief's Shock

In the Xing Chen Bay Residence, two people were walking along the green shaded pathway of the community.

One of them was a man with a square face who looked to be in his fifties. He walked with an imposing bearing, and he had the countenance of a warrior. He was being followed by someone who looked to be in her twenties. She had delicate facial features, though she was dressed in a way that made her look capable and experienced.

"Chief, who are we going to visit this time?" the lady asked.

"A martial arts legend!" As these words left the square-faced man's mouth, the lady beside him could not help but suck in a breath of cold air.

It was because she knew all too well what a martial arts legend was.

They were really legends in their own right and did whatever they wanted in their provinces. Even their Agency of Special Affairs found it hard to deal with these people, as the Agency could not fight them; they could only do their best to rope them in.