Lu Xuan's True Value

With a single look, he could send chills through his body. There was no doubt that this man was a top tier master with skills far beyond his own.

The pressure he felt from Lu Xuan was much greater than from Zhang Hongyang.

Of course, Lu Xuan had only shot him a simple look, and his aura had already been completely drawn back in.

"The Chief of the Xia City Agency of Special Affairs has graced me with his presence. What business brings you here?" Lu Xuan did away with the pleasantries, getting straight to the point.

He had overheard Wang Junming's introduction from before.

Before Wang Junming could voice a reply, there was another knock at the door. Zhang Hongyang went to open the door, and a middle-aged man stepped into the house.

Lu Xuan looked at the newcomer. It was Yun Sheng.

"Why are you here?" Yun Sheng saw Wang Junming, and his brows knit together at once.