Deity-level Beings Guarding the Door? Nothing Wrong with That!

"Alright, bwudder, I'll go play."

Lu Guoguo was sensible enough, and she pranced away like a very nimble swallow, quickly disappearing out of Lu Xuan's sight.

At that moment, several people were standing at the foot of the mountain that housed the Yunxuan Villa, looking in awe at the villa, which was completely shrouded by mist and clouds.

Those people were not strangers to Lu Xuan. They were none other than Chief Ming Yueyao from the Min Province Special Task Force, Chief Yun Sheng from the Fu City Special Task Force, and Chief Wang Junming from the Sha City Special Task Force.

"So this is the formation the legends told of, eh? I've only ever seen it in the documents before. This is my first time seeing it for real, right before my eyes," Wang Junming said, feeling rather awed by it.