Asking Mr. Lu to Take Out the Monster

By then, there were a number of Deity-level beings that Ding Zhuxuan knew personally. Her own teacher had long since become a Deity-level fighter, and that teacher had now become even more powerful.

Her elder brother in training, Shi Danze, had made a breakthrough into Deity level about the same time as she did.

Liu Wanrong, the mother of the young master she served, Lu Xuan, had powers every bit on par with her own. While she had not broken into Deity level very long ago, she could nonetheless sense that she was definitely inferior to Liu Wanrong in terms of combat prowess.

Although the two of them had never sparred before, and Liu Wanrong seldom demonstrated what she was actually capable of, Ding Zhuxuan felt sure of it all the same.