There is Always Someone Stronger Out There


That fighter from the Amaterasu-gumi felt a chill running down his spine. Lu Xuan had been able to easily get rid of all of his underlings, and that alone was enough to make him shiver.

He felt the hairs all over his body standing up on end; it was a gut feeling that only kicked in when he ran into extremely dire situations.

That gut feeling was often more accurate than his own conscious judgment. As such, he never doubted that gut feeling.

Lu Xuan's gaze on his back made him feel as if there were swords hanging right above his head.

Lu Xuan's attitude infuriated him to no end as well. There was no way he would not have been able to tell that Lu Xuan was making a stepping stone out of him—an Invincible Vajra—just so that Lu Shanshan would be able to make further progress.

That was an insult like no other to him.

He never suffered a humiliation like this before.