Asking for Permission

Lin Miaoyi appeared before both of them.

She looked very haggard the moment they found her, far worse compared to Lu Shanshan. Her clothes were in tatters, and she was caked in blood. She looked frighteningly pale as well.

"Shanshan, Lu Xuan."

Lin Miaoyi's eyes glittered with relief and glee somewhat when she caught sight of the siblings.

"Are you okay, Sister Lin?"

Lu Shanshan went up and helped her up.

"I'm fine. I'm okay." Her breath and aura seemed rather messed up, and she looked ashen. There was a very obvious bloodied palm print on her shoulder as well.

"Allow me."

Lu Xuan went up and pressed on her shoulder, activating his inner powers. He sucked up all the energy imbued within the bloodied print by sheer force alone.

Lin Miaoyi looked indifferent while all that was ongoing, not finding any of it to be out of place. She was no common folk, after all.