One Slash, One Kill

Li Zihan thought about it carefully. While doing so would have offended Lu Xuan, he would have got himself several powerful allies anyhow.

He deemed Lu Xuan to be just another one at the Celestial Realm, which meant that the other man was less than able to cause any serious trouble.

"You all sure that you wanna side with Young Master Gui then?" Lu Xuan said with a smirk, even though he was faced against three people at the Celestial Realm, which was a terrifying lineup more than enough to shake up a small nation.

Yet, Lu Xuan appeared completely unfazed.

"You are correct." Li Zihan nodded.

"Cut the chatter, and let's see how good you are with a sword. You best be powerful enough. Don't blame me if you end up dead by my hands otherwise," Zhu Wuzhi smirked coldly and added. Sword will boiled all around him, making him look like a sword that had been unsheathed.