So Unbelievably Powerful that He shocked the World

It was at that moment that he came to realize why Lu Xuan remained completely unfazed by that the threats the few of them threw at him.

What Lu Xuan did made it look like a grown-up was beating children up. There was one swing of the sword for each of them.

It could even be said that they fell one by one before Lu Xuan used anywhere near his full power.

What just happened looked like a joke to him.

Their delusions of thinking that they were able to take out Lu Xuan looked like some ridiculous joke.

Lu Xuan had been cutting down both Zhu Wuzhi the Sword Specter and Young Master Gui so quickly that he was unable to properly react to what just happened.

He kept his hands to himself when he was able to attack.

At that moment, however, he no longer even had the courage to attack. That alone was pathetic enough.

The entire place was dead silent at that moment.

Everyone present was stunned.