Accusation and Clash

Chu Yan'er and Lu Jiaxuan were both left dumbfounded.

It was obvious that neither of them ever expected things to have taken such a drastic turn.

Lu Zhengqing instantly made his move, yet it took Lu Xuan a simple thought to blow up his entire arm.

The radicality of the turn of events had evidently exceeded what they expected of cultivators.

At that moment, the commotion that took place there caught everyone's attention.

Everyone saw how Lu Zhengqing cradled his shoulder as he screamed.

Everyone was stunned as they asked those around them what just happened.

Those big shots who had made it and were all chatting away somewhere faraway quickly rushed to the scene as well.

One man that looked to be in his fifties saw that and went up to Lu Zhengqing with a concerned look. He asked, "Zhengqing, what happened? Who did this to you?"