A Place for Fostering the Dead, A Huge Conspiracy


That old Taoist was pulled to the ground from the sky. His knees were forced onto the tiles on the ground, shattering both the tiles and his knees on the spot.

Blood spewed from his mouth and his eyes were filled with utter disbelief. He looked as if he had just seen a ghost right in front of him; he was unable to process what just happened.

He never thought that someone would be able to just drag him down from midair only by shouting. It was something that had never happened before.

Even the Airborne Realm cultivators in the Maoshan Sect were incapable of pulling off something like that.

It was true that Celestial Realm beings would be at a huge disadvantage when taking on Airborne Realm ones. However, they would have never been rendered so helpless that the other party could do whatever they pleased.