Beating Up Guanglinzi

That undead king had been the trump card for the entire overseas rite of the Maoshan Sect, and he came to Huaxia on that trip specifically to make that undead king even more powerful.

Even so, there was only one thought in his mind at the moment.


"Oh, now you wanna run, huh? Too late!" Lu Xuan snorted coldly and went after him right away.

Guanglinzi was very quick on his feet and bolted first, yet Lu Xuan proved to be even faster. He managed to stand right at the entrance of the village and cut him off.

"So you don't intend to let me live, huh?" Guanglinzi said angrily.

Lu Xuan then elaborated plainly, "It's not me who won't let you live, but you yourself. Are you gonna try to convince me that, if it had been for some other common folk instead of me standing in your way now, you'll do something other than slaughter every last person in this village?"