Lu Xuan’s Influence

Be it Guanglinzi, that old Taoist, or even Lu Zhengqing, nobody truly cared about the wellbeing of the common people.

At the time, they had deemed everyone in the village as being little more than insects that were beneath their notice.

Even so, everyone who thought themselves to be gods above everyone else remained utterly helpless and powerless when faced by Lu Xuan.

Anyone who wielded sufficient power would easily hold the fates of others in their hands.

Things were completely different from that romantic, peaceful world of cultivators they originally imagined.

The brutality and ruthlessness displayed among the cultivators made all that drama and power struggle in workplaces seem utterly insignificant.

Losers in the workplace would only lose their jobs at most, but losers in the world of cultivators could probably lose their lives.

It was a world that was completely alien to them.