The Roman Curia Declares War

An organization that had little to no influence all along among the cultivators of the east had finally spoken.

"The Roman Curia."

Lu Xuan held a freshly delivered newspaper and saw the declaration of the current pope on it.

That declaration said that they were to take down Lu Xuan, who they called a manifestation of the devil from hell.

"So I'm a devil from hell now, huh?" Lu Xuan chuckled coldly and continued, "The Roman Curia really is out to stir trouble."

Any impression he had of the Roman Curia came from his past life. He knew next to nothing about the organization in his current life.

That was because the Roman Curia kept a lower profile compared to several other organizations.

Then again, there were currently at least over a billion Christians all over the world. Therefore, the Roman Curia's influence was something that had always been around all this time.