Caught And Killed Like A Dog!

The current president of the United States felt very resentful towards what had happened. He was probably the only president in American history who had suffered this much.

Even so, the power of the president of the United States had declined between generations ever since Roosevelt's presidency during World War II. The president's role slowly shrunk into being a spokesman and puppet for all sorts of consortia, arms dealers, and financial affairs.

No matter what, even the most undignified puppets would not be forced to go into the office and face such a strong enemy.

They could neither fight against nor curse at the person before them!

Lu Xuan put down the teacup and said with a faint smile. "Well, what should I do now? I leave to kill demons and protect the human race only for someone to be specifically targeting my family as soon as I got back. They wanted to rob my inheritance and destroy my family. So, tell me, what do you think I want to do?"