The Ability To Destroy A Country

Upon hearing this, the top-ranked officials of the United States government could only feel sweat dripping from their backs.

They did not doubt that Lu Xuan had the courage and the ability to do so.

This was because they had just learned from their informal channels that Lu Xuan took control of the Myriad Demon Valley, which had frightened the humans on Earth for many years.

If Lu Xuan was willing to launch so many monsters to attack the United States, then that meant he was capable of erasing the entirety of the United States from Earth.

He genuinely meant it!

When that happened, even nuclear weapons would've been useless when Lu Xuan controlled the endless army of monsters. With millions or tens of millions of these monsters having been killed, they were just cannon fodder for Lu Xuan.

There were seven billion human beings alone in the world, while there were 100 times as many plants and animals on the planet.